Research study: Investigating immune function in long term cancer survivors

What is the study? 

The main objective of the study is to analyse the immune system of long-term cancer survivors to identify if there is anything unique to the immune system of this group of individuals which is likely to contribute to their long-term survival. Can this knowledge be used to help other cancer patients? 

Who’s organizing it? 

The University of Surrey, funded by Continuum Life Sciences 

What’s the criteria for taking part?    

  • No visible cancer on your scans now 
  • No cancer treatment for >= 5years. 
  • Allow us to access your medical history 
  • Willing to complete a lifestyle questionnaire 
  • Willing and able to travel to Surrey University in Guildford (when COVID safe, all expenses paid) 
  • Willing to donate a blood sample and a stool sample (you will be sent a stool sample kit to be done at home) 
  • Allow us access to your stored cancer tissue  

What do I need to do? 
If you think you fit the inclusion criteria for this study, please contact us on 0800 144 8488 or 

When’s the deadline?  

Deadline: 30<sup>th</sup> April 2022