Research Study: LifeChamps

_ **Please read the Privacy Notice and Participant Information Sheet, attached** _

LifeChamps: A collective intelligence platform to support cancer champions – Cocreation with end-users

What is the study? This study is to develop a support service for middle-aged and older people with cancer and their families after treatment. We want to learn from your experiences and views, and find out what type of health care you would want help with

Who’s organising it? This research is organised by the University of Glasgow.  

What’s the criteria for taking part?  Patients - Aged 50 years or above; Diagnosed with breast cancer; Having finished primary cancer treatment (e.g. surgery / chemotherapy / radiotherapy). This includes secondary or metastatic patients.

Family members, friends or caregivers - Aged 18 years or above; Family member, friend, or informal caregiver of a patient with breast cancer aged 50 years or above, who has finished primary cancer treatment (e.g. surgery / chemotherapy / radiotherapy). This includes secondary or metastatic patients.- ALL participants must have access to phone or Internet.

What do I need to do?  Please download the Participant Information Sheet (PIS) and privacy notice. Please contact us if you want to take part in either the online survey OR the telephone interview. Contact Dr Rebecca Marshall-McKenna via email: or, Tel: 0141 330 5907. We will send you the link to the survey or plan the telephone interview to suit you.

When’s the deadline?   15 November 2020