Research Study: Navigating perceived overdiagnosis and overtreatment: a qualitative study

Title of research study:  Navigating perceived overdiagnosis and overtreatment: a qualitative study 

What is the study about?

The aim of the project is to explore the experiences of people who decline treatment, future screening invitations and/or other recommended medical interventions after having an anomaly identified following participation in the NHS breast cancer screening programme. It is a qualitative study which means that participants experiences will be explored by doing interviews. The study will be used for the writing of my PhD project which is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). 

Who is organising it?

Shavez Jeffers (PhD student) from University of Leicester 

What are the criteria for taking part?

You are eligible for this study if you have been invited to participate in the NHS breast cancer screening programme. Also, to be eligible to participate, you would have declined either the screening test, a further test, treatment, subsequent screening invitations and/or any other medical intervention recommended to you.

What do I need to do?

The study will involve speaking to me (Shavez Jeffers, PhD student) about your experience of declining breast cancer screening, tests, treatment and/or other recommended medical interventions. Interviews will last around 30-60 minutes and will be carried out over the phone, by video-conference, or face-to-face — depending on COVID19 restrictions, practicalities, and your preferences. Our conversation will be informal; I have some areas that I would like to cover but will also be guided by your interests and experience. You may stop the interview at any time and withdraw your data from the study within 1 week of the interview. You will be assigned a participant number at the beginning of the interview, to withdraw your data you must provide me with your allocated number. 

If you’d like to take part, or have any questions, please email

When is the deadline?

1 December 2021