Research study: Your experience of Secondary Breast Cancer

What is the study?   

We are currently looking to share the voices of women with secondary breast cancer in a series of blogs, as part of our secondary campaign. This opportunity would involve responding to a series of questions about your experience - either in writing or over the phone.

When we publish the blog, your name would be used, and we would also need an image of you to go alongside your story. 

Who is organising it?   

Jenna Purves, Breast Cancer Now 

What’s the criteria for taking part?   

You are eligible to take part if you have secondary breast cancer. 

What do I need to do?   

If you’d be happy to participate and share your experience as part of the blog series, please email the Campaigns team ( with the answers to these two questions: 

  • Can you tell us a bit about your experience of secondary breast cancer? 
  • Please explain why you would like to share your experience with Breast Cancer Now supporters in a blog 

If you have any questions about this opportunity, please get in touch with the Campaigns team (, and remember that you can change your mind about participating at any time.