Sorry if this is a repeat request. If it is could a kind person direct me please? If not any help would be much appreciated.
I have secondary bc in lungs and liver, am age 57 and have just been diagnosed with a 2nd lower leg blood clot (1st was 2 yrs ago). My last chemo ended Nov 2011. I have Clexane injections for the long weekend and have an appointment for tuesday to discuss my choice for the long term.
I know everybody has different experiences but would be interested to hear from others with bc secondaries who have had to make a similar choice.
I have read a bit on each possible drug (Warfarin, Rivaroxaban or Apixaban) but there doesn’t seem much on effectiveness or feedback from others in similar situation.
I ended up with a pe during my last chemo, so had 6 months of daily tinzaparin injections into stomach (self administered). Was put on tamoxifen (risks of clots) and am now back on chemo, I am now high risk for further clots so will be on permanent anti coagulants. After the recommended 6 months of injection I now take tablets, rivaroxiban. The problem with warfarin is you need weekly finger prick monitoring and it can be affected by what you eat! It also stays in your system for about 72 hours so if you need any procedures it can be a problem.
Tinzaparin and rivaroxiban only stay in system for about 18 hours, so when I had a lung procedure I just stopped it for a day!
Good luck with your choice and feel free to ask me anything!
Glo xxxx
I had a DVT in my right calf about 18 months ago. While I was on Capecitabine tablets at the time, I had to do daily Fragmin injections. When I was given a rest period and put on HT pills Exemestane, I was allowed to move to Rivaroxaban tablets. Because of the Secondaries, and having had a DVT and being on Chemo, I will have to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. If (when!) I am allowed another break from the Cape, I can go back on the Riveroxaban tablets although I have to continue with the Fragmin injections for a further 3 weeks after stopping the Cape. I have never had any detectable side effects from either the injections or the tablets. I do, however, much prefer the tablets, as my stomach is beautiful rainbow colours from bruises when I am injecting myself. Also, my doctor (GP) prefers me to be on the tablets as they are much cheaper than the injections (as she never ceases to tell me each time I need a prescription!).
I hope this helps. Good luck with your treatment and choice.
Hi I have sec breast cancer…im not on this but my mum was on warfarin for forty years …just lately been changed to the two tablets I think apicpan every day twelve hours apart and seems fine…if that’s any help .xsharon
Donna.hope you get the info you need…mum got blood clots after an op over forty years ago…she has a tumour in womb but not cancerous…also had a mini stroke at Xmas .so changed to more modern treatment by hospital…so she’s been on treatment for about 45.sharonx