Result day again tommorrow

Feeling anxious tonight. After a full left mastectomy 6 weeks ago , no lymph involvement and positive outcome from surgery , my oncologist suggested an Oncotype DX test . After nearly 3 weeks of waiting tomorrow I go for my results. I’m going with an open mind ish expecting score to be over 25 and then get on with 6 sessions of chemo to blow anything left away. Therefore a score that’s lower is a bonus isn’t it? My oncologist was positive . I had 2 small 2cm grade 2 idc lumps and a 3rd area which was a Papuloma he suggested the test as belt and braces to check if chemo would be beneficial… finally the wait will be over this has been the worst 3 weeks xxx

Hello hddh, 

Just wanted to wish you all the best for your results today.   Going through the test results Waiting Game really is the pits isn’t it? If chemo is recommended,  at least you will find yourself in the good company of many others and you may like to look on  the specific chemo threads for support and sharing experiences. 

All the very best to you, 

Chick ? x

Hope all goes well today, I’m the same I meet oncologist today to xxx

Hi ya i hope you got on ok today with treatment plan etc. 

My results were  chemo and radio therapy , about 3 weeks time it will start. It will be 1 session every 3 weeks 4 times then 1 session every 2 weeks 4 times so 20 weeks and then the radio therapy so I’m looking 25 plus weeks. I don’t think I’m gonna do the cold cap as your hair still thins and needs to be shorter so no point. I’m just gonna have to accept it’s gonna go and that’s the tough bit. I can’t take tomoxafin as I take sertraline so it will  be another tablet and a monthly injection to stop overies. I didn’t ask to many questions like scores etc as didn’t feel it made any difference. Xxx