results after MX following new primary diadnosis

Hi all

I got the results following MX

there were 3 tumours all grade 3,which is the same as last time, biggest one was 2.8cm. they were nw primarys and the previous cancer bed was clear of cancer cells. I had axilliary clearance last time and 2/13 were affected, I see onc next week. I do not have hormone status yet but last time it was ER++

does anyone know the likelyhood of needing chemo again


I guess no one can answer my question here
oh Well I will find out tomorrow as I see the Onc


hi linda
good luck tomorrow…
my 2nd diagnosis but opposite breast this time & am starting chemo this thurs (already had mx, snb, ax clearance,)
last week had portacath fitted
so depending on what chemo you had last time? you’ll be given poss something else
1st time i had 4 x ac & 4 x taxotere
this time 6 x myocet (ac in a liposome bag!)
my 3 tumours added together were 49mm
2 grade 3, other grade 2/3
e+ p+ her-,
think all this has bearing on chemo decision
i’m 58 now 1st dx 53 & only 4 yeras between dx
i had 2nd opinion at charring cross & advised needed chemo there
i’m on nhs
resigned but struggling a bit as know what to expect!

love jk x

hi Linda

my 1st BC 4 years ago was ER++ grade 1 but no nodes so didnt have chemo first time just WLE, rads and tamox…
last year got grade 3 triple negative in opposite bread no nodes but lymphatic invasion so had WLE, chemo (epi-cmf) and currently having rads… just started back on tamox for the fist tumour.

i think if you have grade 3 tumours over 2 cm regardless of hormone status would imagine you would get offered chemo again although it can also be affected by your age and whether its deemed the chemo would actually be of benefit… my unit rarely seems to offer chemo to those over 50.

fingers crossed for best possible outcome

Lulu x