Received my results after my lumpectomy and my senile lymph node biopsy… Lymph nodes was clear as expected. I need a small operation… my cancer has gone but they just need to take some more healthy tissue… from the MRI and my 2 biopsies they did before surgery they said my lump was 32mm so 40mm was taken altogether including healthy tissue… but after looking after surgery it’s in fact 38mm so 2mm isn’t enough apparently… although there is nothing in my healthy tissue they need more for them to be completely happy… I will have my 6 lots of chemo and then the operation.
Bet you feel relieved although you would have probably preferred not to have more surgery mine was bigger too I found out yesterday what had worried me more was it has spread to node but only one thank God I need about 6 months chemo then rads xx isn’t it a strange feeling you have when you go back for post surgery Results!? I can’t get my head round how I’m normalising Cancer now like it’s just something you get x I’m behaving like a nutter not wanting to be near people who smoke!
Yes very relieved as I was certain it had spread. Sorry that yours had spread. Only one is good though. I’ll have chemo and herceptin over 18 the next year so this nightmare isn’t over yet and then rads too! I’m loving the fact I am now cancer free! And that I can try and get on with my life… can’t plan much because of the chemo but at least there’s that little bit of hope x I’m the same. X
Hi, yeah it is gone for me too, one node is good I have heard just makes you think a bit doesn’t it! Yeah we need to make some changes as you said it’s gone but we still need to do the treatment, I had some of the best advice from my aunt who told me for once in your life be selfish! In a good way though, grab life by the balls and live it how it should be lived!! I’ve always put myself on a back burner plannning my life around everyone else and planning holidays around work! We we can just sit back for a while and just relax and enjoy being given our life back again xx
I’ve been very selfish lately… it’s been all about me! I’ve needed to though as think if I didn’t I’d make myself worse… I’m just looking forward to the next couple if weeks when I’ve no appointments or test or anything to mash my brain thinking about… X
Yeah a couple of weeks off before it all starts again what a way to spend the summer!!
I’ve got to have more margins cleared too. Going in on June 15th. There is one positive, two more weeks of doing nothing and watching Prison Break on Netflix, listening to Woman’s Hour, meeting friends and not thinking about work.