Results and Pathology Report

I’m a bit concerned… when biopsies are taken and lumps aspirated should i have had a pathology report for each sample or are they just accumilated to one. .

If they have gone to the smae department they will be on one report usually, with subtitles eg biopsy 1, biopsy2 etc and signed by the person who did them

Thank you as for your reply,
I was seen at the hospital a year before i was diagnosed. I initally went after finding 1 lump and when i had the ultra sound it showed that i had infact 2. The problem that i have is that 1 lump was asspirated but when they went back to the orginal lump that i had gone for they couldn’t find it and said that it had probably burst. Even though i expressed my concerns at the time that i could still feel it, i was shrugged off and told that i was paranoid. a year later i was diagnosed with hormone receptive Advanced G2,due to the size being 75mm in diametre. Ct Scans showed no evidence of it having spread or any lynph node involvement. Which later found that i was also HER2 positive and 9 out of 16 lymph nodes had cancer. I have put this to the hospital and they have come back to me saying that the dr that saw me says that both lumps were aspirated. i have asked for my medical records, so at least i have an idea of whta i am looking for.

thank you again

If both lumps were aspirated it should say in your notes something like “5mils clear fluid aspirated from lump 1, and 2.5 mils from lump 2”, or such. Each entry should be signed, dated and the time written by it, also the name should be printed as well.
The hospital where you were treated should have a PALs department (Patients Advisory and Liason) who will be able to help you.
Hope this helps

thank you so much for your help with this. I am going on Friday, a little bit nervous as i will be having my full medical records. Might see something i don’t want to if you know what i mean.

Again Thankyou

my pathology report was a lot less detailed than that. It mentioned the different lumps but nothing about the fluid from the aspirated one. It said there were seven core biopsy specimens when I only had five so that worried me a bit. The diagnosis was sclerosing adenosis. When the lump was removed the diagnosis was inflitraring ductal cancer and DCIS


Now i’m confused. Surely there should be someway of proving that only 1 lump was aspirated. Think i will just have to see what is on the report and take it from there.

Even more confused now, In my letter they have told me that i have had triple examination as set out in the protocol, but when i asked for the report from the lab they have told me that they don’t have them. I thought that the lab results were the third part of the triple examination. Am i right?

Karen x