Results back - masectomy decision

Is it wrong to say I feel happy today and was almost skipping out of hospital? I had my results and the cancer has been contained in one breast and lymph - no spread. Everyone on here said you feel better/calmer once you know what you are fighting and have a plan and I do.

The scan showed that there is another 5mm lump in the breast. They tried to take biopsy of that one today but couldn’t find it on ultrasound.

So hospital have given me a choice of going to London to a specialist MRI place that can indicate whether the second lump is benign or cancerous. If it is benign I would not need a masectomy.

However, I don’t think I can take any more tests and waiting so I would rather they just do a masectomy and chemo. My OH is fully supportive of this decision

I think I shocked my surgeon with my matter of fact decisions. But I am a such a worrier, for me the best decision is a masectomy. I have two young children so my only concern is being alive to see them grow up.

My BCN said she will call me tomorrow as they want me to sleep on it.

Any ladies had a masectomy - what is the recovery time like? How did you find it?

For now I am taking the little bit of good news that it hadn’t spread and going to enjoy a glass of wine.

Hi Tra,
Pleased to hear that it hasn’t spread and that you are feeling relieved by this.
Not one to want to question a resolute decision but were you informed that breast conservation surgery (ie lumpectomy plus rad’s to that side) is supposed to have the same survival outcomes as mastectomy for certain types and stages of cancer? I’m not sure if that applies to your diagnosis and while I appreciate you saying mastectomy makes you feel like you won’t worry as much in the future, if you lose lymph nodes as part of the breast removal you may be slightly more vulnerable to lymphodema. No idea how far from London you are, but if you could get an early appointment for a scan you may get the results quickly and then be able to make a more informed decision.
Either way, enjoy that glass of wine and apologies for mentioning the above if you are 100% decided.
Please take the above as a well intended comment.
Seabreeze (conservation route, now a few months post rads)

Thank you for your comment. I’m always happy to get information.

They did explain outcome about the same and have asked me to sleep on it. My mind pretty much made up but I will think it through .


Hi Tracey

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Lucy BCC

Hi tra - know the feeling on the tests … It’s more complex then this sounds but after mammograms and biopsies and ultrasounds the original decision to do Breast conserving surgery difficult as multi focal and I became borderline mx - decision made to remove as didn’t want extra surgery - fine but then problems with left emerged and I was offered mri biopsy at specialist hospital . I basically broke down with all the testing and like you just wanted to focus on long term health clearance for my teenage children - because of the location of the queried left I was told the biopsy could easily be inconclusive … Anyway bilateral mx decided upon and no regrets about that. I think if I hadn’t already been told I would lose the other I might have been more willing to look at biopsies etc - I haven’t had recon but did find it took about 8 weeks post surgery to feel ok across chest area etc.
I think you have to weigh up such a lot in such a short amount of time xx if you had the test and were able to keep your Breast , you will be very carefully monitored so take strength in that matter what decision you finally make x

Hi, what a weight off your mind. I too dreaded my results in case it had spread. Now waiting to hear when chemo will start. I am now wondering whether to have reconstruction immediately or not at all. However, I have several months during chemo to think about it. Keep strong we will all get there.

Thank you ladies. I have decided to have a masectomy and reconstruction at a later date. My BCN called this morning and after I told her my decision she has booked in for next Thursday. I’m feeling positive that I am now doing rather than waiting. X


I’m Colchester too, so thanks for the heads up so I don’t put the phone down on them.

Ive decided on masectomy , then chemo and reconstruction later.

I’m looking forward to a fun weekend with hubby and my girls before the op next week .

Also working on turning hubby into a Domestic Goddess (as won’t be able to Hoover /lift etc) but think that will drive me to the wine more than nerves about the op!!!

Hi Tra16,
Can see there’s a theme here re wine baseline…funny, whenever there’s a bc event and diet’s mentioned you can predict to the second when someone will ask, and what about red wine, isn’t that good for you!
Pleased you have decided, and once again, comments made with best of intentions re options.
Have a good weekend

Pleased you are moving forward Tra16 - I delayed recon and it was the best decision I made … I don’t think I will bother now but might. I’m going to see how I feel in a year or two and by then there will be even more changes to possible recon surgery. Good luck with everything x