Results Day

Results Day

Results Day Went for results today, absolutely petrified. Its been the longest 2 weeks of my life!
Anyway it was good news, no spread to the lymph nodes yay! I will only need radiotherapy. The lump was just 9.5mm.The surgeon wants to remove a tiny bit more tissue as he didn’t quite get a clear margin on one tiny part so I’ll be back in on June 6th, but he has assured me that this will not be as bad as 1st op and he should get it all this time!
I don’t need Tamoxifen either.

I was relieved, to say the least. So good luck to anyone else waiting for results.

Love Ruth

fantastic Thats great news for you chick. Well done.

great news Hi Ruthy1
just read your post, you sound much more positive, now you have your results, I’m glad to hear you will not need further treatment, once you have have had second op, I’m so pleased for you good luck in the future