results from biospy

Hi just want to post a message and say that my mum went for her biopsy reslts today and they were benign which means there is no cancer. This is fanastic news. We have had two weeks of stress and worry. I would like to say good luck to other women with their results. And to those who find out they have cancer hope u get the treatment and cure and you are so brave and my thoughts and prays go out to you all, thinking of everyone xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Brilliant, I am so pleased. It is great to hear good news. Horrendous two weeks for you all, and its wonderful that its over. Hope you did something good to celebrate

If over the next week or so you or your mum do find however, that there is still a bit of reaction to the shock that the good news has not quite managed to erase dont beat yourself up about it, that can happen. It was two weeks of hell that cannot necesserily be forgotten overnight.

fantastic news xxx

That’s such good news, so pleased for u & ur mum. xx


Very good point, OAL, that hadn’t occurred to me but of course it makes perfect sense.

Hurray!!! again!

thanks everybody its lovely to hear the comments and support from you all. I am now more aware of breast cancer and will be self examining my own breast and spreading the word to my friends to do the same and if they notice any change in there breast get to the doctors asap. xxx :slight_smile:

Great news all the best to your mum & yourself
Mekala x

Brilliant news Tweetylass. Make sure you all celebrate and do something nice this weekend if you can.
