Results good news

I did the Moving on course and it was great. I’d say go for it?

Sharon, of course you are worried but you are in the best hands. I finished my treatment in December and saw the consultant last week - all good and he doesn’t want to see me again for another year. I’m on anastrazole too and had a DEXA (bone density) scan so at least I had a starting point and could subsequently be monitored for any deterioration. Fortunately my bones are good. I’ve not had any side effects from the drug either. I just follow my normal diet, veggie, avoid over processed food and drink lots of water etc. I’m trying to lose weight so no cake, biscuits, chocolate, crisps etc. Good luck!

Brilliant news @sarahjaneavfc and I understand how you are feeling. I had similar good news this week and like you I can’t quite believe it but I’ve got to trust the science and the very skilled and competent surgeon when they say the prognosis is very good.
Warmest wishes

Yep, when i got my diagnosis of ILC, I wanted to get a 2nd opinion with another patholgost for reading the test which would mean ANOTHER biopsy. I just needed to be certain & could it turn out to be a false positive instead (as I’d hoped). Ins wouldnt cover. I later decided against 2nd opinion after talking with my oncologist. It was a total shock that I had breast cancer – NO symptoms whatsoever! Well, ive now passed 1 year since last chemotherapy IV. I’m still having some nerve pain associated with left mastectomy (done in Nov 2022) but i have great pain management meds from my neurologist. Im just so grateful Im still ‘alive & kickin’!:blush:

So pleased for you. X

That’s great news, it’s good to have any fears laid to rest💞
I have my oncologist meeting this morning, to receive my HER2 results and discuss the treatment plan. Surgeon is hopeful that its just a lumpectomy, and its not spread into the lymph nodes. Hoping my results aren’t postponed again🤞🏼

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Good luck with the meeting, keeping fingers crossed for you


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:pray:t3: I normally react strongly to medications so I’m concerned about possible side affects from the treatment therapies.

I’m so pleased for you. Celebrate and enjoy. I can understand how you might feel numb though. When I had my results post surgery (wide local excision) I was so relieved all was clear and there was no evidence of spread to the lymph nodes. Also my tumour was smaller than they thought, though there was precancerous cells there too that were cut out as well as a clear margin. I just thanked God and said right let’s get the radiotherapy done. I had to wait 12 weeks for that as my rare Apocrine TNBC treatment is somewhat ambiguous - chemo being questionable especially if the tumour has not spread out of the breast. I spoke about this elsewhere on the forum.

Be positive, be thankful and look forward. Don’t let cancer define you or the rest of your life. Hugs xxx

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Congrats! I had the same results last year. Got a clear result in my 1 yr check too. Make sure to put a recommended lotion on every day whilst having the radiation treatments. I found it very helpful :blush:


Congratulations! Good news is always great to hear after your initial diagnosis. I too had clear margins and lymph nodes. Had radiation and Rejuvaskin was the best cream for me. I am curious of what tablets you are referring to? I am on Tamoxifen and having complications.

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Moving on course was great for me, really helpful, would recommend it to anyone! x

Hi im taking Anastrozole. No problems as such just the normal menopause symptoms! Hope you are not having too many problems xx

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