Results in !!!5

Well my fears of last week have now been taken over by a new one which I had not considered. Results yesterday were good and bad. Lymph nodes clear but no clear margins. New affected areas found - lower breast pre cancer 3cm and 9mm grade 1invasive (.5mm margins) and inner aspect 2cm pre cancer margin not clear. Total affected areas now 5。 The consultant is willing to do another WLE if I insist but uses words like “I am an occult type”!! This I think means my cancers are very adept at hiding. The teams preferred option is mx with immediate reconstruction and it seems I won’t then have to have radiotherapy. As the last paths were ER8/8 PR3/8 and HER2 negative they are recomending Anastrozole. The path results from the new areas will be back this friday when I see the consultant again to give my decision. The choice of mx is LD flap (with or without inplant ) or reconstruction using a tissue expander inplant. The tummy flap is not an option due to my figure. He showed me lots of pictures etc and at the time I took it all very calmly but reality hit bigtime in the middle of the night. Now very anxious and tearful. I had planned to go back to work today after last wle and snb but postponed till monday - it wouldn’t be fair on clients!! I am so confused as to which mx to chose. I know so many ladies go through much worse and in lots of ways I am escaping lightly but I am devastated. I would really like to hear about others experiences in this sort of situation



Hi Jayne
This b*****d of a disease has a nasty habit of jumping up and biting us on the bum when we least expect it. I’m so sorry about your recent change in fortune. It is good you have no lymph nodes affected, and good that your are ER+ and PR+. but not good about the occult lumps. I haven’t been in your situation, as my choice was to go straight for MX and no recon., so can’t help you regarding that. To go through this disease is bad at the best of times?? If you know what I mean, but if you have to work through treatment that must be awful, and make decisions more difficult. Sending you big hugs and good wishes. I hope you manage to make your decision.


Thanks for your reply it is so appreciated. I agree this xxxxx disease just bites us and pulls all sorts of nasty tricks!! My Bcn arranged for a lady who had had the LD flap to phone me tonight. That was sooooooo helpful. I think I
have decided on this procedure but depends on the results tomorrow. I am aiming to go back to work monday till surgery date. I work in mental health in the voluntary sector and they are very supportive employers but I am on a guilt trip most of the time as my client group is under such pressure at the moment. Huge cyber hugs winging your way.

Jayne xx

Dear Jayne

I wondered if you might be interested in our one to one support service. They could put you in touch with one of our trained volunteers. I’ve attached a link for more information;

It might also be helpful to give our helpline a call to talk things over. They can offer practical information and emotional support. They are open from 10-2 today and 9-5 on weekdays. The number is 0808 800 6000

Take care

Very best wishes


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