Results in - it could be worse

Got my results from MRI and first chance to meet with consultant. They are still going along the lines that I have caught it early - out of the 7 samples - 6 are DCIS which is pre-cancerous and 1 is invasive. They are going to do a few more biopsies on Weds - just to check if there are DCIS anywhere else in the breast but he says its very unlikely. Then  the week after that I am going in to get a few nodes taken out. Again he said would be very surprised if any were infected but this is just a precaution. 


He has suggested I have a double mastectomy. Due to my age (35) and he is convinced I carry a faulty gene because of family history. So, the chances of it coming back are very high. And I’m with him on that. I have a had a feeling from the start that there is some genetic link and I don’t want the torture of worrying the rest of my life. Although I still think even if I make a full recovery, I will still be paranoid about lumps, bumps and whatever. 

So, if nodes come back clear (I will know within a week of op) then its operation ad I won’t need radiotherapy or chemotherapy afterwards. I’ll probably be having the double MX and reconstruction this time next month - all being well with these couple of tests in between. So out and recovered by Christmas. 

It’s kind of the best bad news I could hope for. 

I can have immediate reconstruction - the same operation - and will most likely have implants. Can keep my nipple etc so will look quite normal. 

I’m quite calm as I had an idea I would be offered the double MX. My mum is in a terrible state crying etc. I’m just looking at it as a boob job. People have them every day. And it’s for survival in my case. So, it’s a no-brainer. 


Leesa x

Hi iv recently been diagnosed with stage 2invasive lobular cancer ,everything happened so fast I week ago I had mystectomy with axillia nodes removed today results have shown no spread all axillia nodes were clear I still need radiation and chemo and herceptin so happy with news ,I’m very sore hated the drains ,had more fluid drained yesterday ,this is an awful operation but have tried to stay strong x

Hi,I also had a double mx on the 14th October and are waiting on my sentinel node biopsy results which I’ll get on Thursday. I was advised to have a lumpectomy but wasn’t willing to take the risk. Hardest part for me is the drains, I currently have 4 in and they’re driving me mad. I don’t feel like I can go anywhere even though I feel ok. I’m having 2 removed tomorrow but will still be left with 2 as surgeon like less than 10ml for 24 hrs.