Results left me confused

So I’m going to cut to the chase. I had a biopsy Friday of my left breast and lymph node (axillary). Today the doctor called me and basically was beating around the bush. Said the result of the breast mass was “like a Fibroadenoma” & then proceeded to say I was being referred to oncology & they should be calling me by beginning of next week. So I’m really confused at this point because she didn’t really tell me anything one way or the other.

Have you been allocated a breast care nurse? If so I would give her a ring tomorrow and have a chat with her. She might be able to explain things more clearly? X



No wonder you’re confused - but I hope you’re not riddled with fear and scouring Google for less-than-useful info? Unfortunately, when we go for these appointments or take these calls, our minds don’t seem to be on the ball like they would in other situations and you don’t ask the questions you need to ask. That’s why it’s good to take someone with you - my friend took notes.


It may help to know that most breast lumps are harmless. I had a large fibroadenoma decades ago and the consultant, even though he was certain it was harmless, insisted on removing it and doing histology checks “just in case.” Perhaps you are being referred as that extra precaution. That is great because they are taking no risks. It’s a nuisance and may be worrying (and there’s no point telling you not to worry) but it will provide the reassurance you need.


Just to make sure I’m not giving you false hope, I have also, 2018, had a mass that was found to be cancer - but my nodes were heavily affected and your consultant would have told you if your node biopsy had come back positive. So don’t let that terrify you. Just showing both sides of the picture. A lump doesn’t mean cancer but a check by oncology “just in case” is always worth it.


Meantime, please don’t look on Google. It’s usually disastrous. The nurses here are great to talk to if you have anything that’s worrying you. Take good care of yourself and let us know how you get on next week.

Jan x

Hi Mommyof2,

When they called you did they just describe what it looked like based on the scans, or had they actually got the results of the biopsy back as well?

And we’re you referred having found a lump or via routine mammo? My reason for asking is that if you are referred due to having found a lump, if they are at all suspicious on scan day they usually arrange an appointment to give you the results, rather than phoning you.

I’m aware fibroadema and some types of bc can look very similar on the mammo and ultrasound, hence wondering if they actually had the biopsy results too?


I know it’s hard not knowing, but try not to panic at this stage. 


Sea breeze x. Apols for any typos -on my mobi!