Results not good

Got my results today. My 9mm lump turned out to be 3cm of invasive and 4 cm of non-invasive (I think that’s what the consultant said) , plus it was in 8/15 lumph nodes so I am now going to need a mastectomy and chemo. Need to have bone scans and MRI to work out which order that will happen in.

I feel really numb. This was so unexpected. 

What a shock for you. It will be a longer road to recovery than you had hoped and must be very hard to think positive right now but hang on in there. Seems lots of people on here understand exactly what you are going through and lots have come out the other side. Thinking of you xxxx

So sorry to hear that MAC, what a horrible shock and I wish it could have been better but as the other ladies have said, hang in there.  It’s more treatment than you were expecting but it is still only a small fragment of time in your life and worth it to get this damn disease beaten.


Sending you big hugs and every possible good wish



so sorry the results were not what expected or wanted.   I do understand how you feel and the worry and waiting at this time is the worst.   Initially I was told i ‘just’ needed a WLE but no clear margins and node involvement meant I had to have a Mastectomy and all my nodes removed   My tumour was 9cm all invasive and I had a total of 9 out of 23 nodes that had cancer.   I  had chemo and rads and hormone treatment as my cancer was ER+.   I also had staging scans before my treatment plan.  that was just over 5 years ago, at at the time I was totally distraught.  I got through it all though and I am sure you will too.  The treatment these days is fantastic and you will get loads of support on this site.   Just take one day at a time.   xxx

Hi Mac, im so sorry that you have received such devastating news. It must be very hard to get a grip of such difficult information. My heart goes out to you and sending you lots of positive vibes and caring thoughts. Remember we are all here for each other, were a exclusive club of amazing loving ladies so keep posting and we can support you every step of the way xxxx

So sorry to here about your results, I can’t really say anymore then what others have said. Its so difficult,  sending you much love Gules xx

Hi I’m sorry to hear your news but I am the same I had mastectomy the cancer was invasive lobular of 84mm and the lateral margins were positive and all my lymph nodes have to be removed I have to have radium chemo and hormone treatment also I need a full body scan and a bone scan I am scared what they will find I hope yours was ok x

Hi Gingerlynne and welcome to the BCC forums where I am sure the support will be a big help

Our helpliners are also on hand with practical and emotional support for you on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays

I am posting a link to the information about treatments and to further support ideas on the BCC site which I hope you will find helpful:

Take care
Lucy BCC

Hi Mac66 sorry to,hear you have had distressing results. I can only emphasise what other ladies have said that there is life the other side . I had chemo, db mx , rads and now having Herceptin in addition to taking Letrozolo for the next 5 years! You will find this forum very supportive as unfortunately we are all,travelling down the same road! When I commenced chemo I joined a monthly chemo thread, April 14, I have never met any of these dear ladies but we have all supported each other through the ups and downs. Next month a few of us are meeting together for the first time! Nobody else understands you fears any better than we do! Once you get your journey order sorted you will just pass through the motions! Thinking of you over the coming days. X

What a good description " little black cloud",just walked my dog down canal beautiful day,swans baby ducks etc but aware of little shadow hovering over me which is BC and waiting to find out how bad things are and what happens next …