Well went for my results today and was advised they are not back!! Really disappointed just wanted to know…Anyway some more results from the biopsy were back ost positive 7/8, what does 7 out of eight mean? Also her2 neg, does this just mean I wont need herceptin?? Sister at ward was lovely and advised me that she would get my BC nurse to ring me with results asap.
Being treated in Doncaster is anyone else??
Sorry all the questions, heads in a bit of turmoil
Sorry to hear this Louise. I can understand how upsetting this must be. Every hour is an eternity when you are waiting for results. Oestrogen positive and her 2 negative are positive results though. I’m sorry I don’t know what 7 out of 8 means but I’m sure someone will. Thats right, you won’t need herceptin.
Hope your results are back soon. I ll be waiting to hear. Big hugs
Caroline xxx
Hi Lou Lou. Just popped in to see If I can offer any support. I am one of the November Newbies in the chemotherapy thread. If you have been told you are oestrogen positive, then the evel of oestrogen in scored. The highest Is 8/8 If you are 7 you are next to the highest score and this is very good. Hope this helps xxxx
Hi louise I was treated in Doncaster .I had WLE and SNB on the 5th December I had my results back in just under a week from my core biopsy.Got my final results on the 18th December which were good good clear margins and nodes clear , what a relief. I have juast finished 3 weeks radiotherapy. I am taking Tamoxifen for 2 years and then Letrozole for 3 years. If you want at any time you can P M me.