Hello Capel dear friend,
No you don’t have to worry about what side you sleep on - it wont make a ha’peth of a difference to aggravate/worsen it. But the fact that you know it’s there and what you’re facing is likely to aggravate your sleep !!
I’m soooo touched by you and your daughters relationship and her reaction. Brought back memories for me in that, when I initially found my first lump, unlike yours it was the size of a marrowfat pea, but hard and mobile. Mmm, I’d better get this checked out with my GP, just in case. I didn’t tell my Mum about it - I didn’t want to concern her and she was going away for a five day break. I wasn’t too concerned myself at the time, positively thinking it may be nothing to worry about, having heard of other womens breast lumps being benign. So saw my GP whilst Mum was away. My GP was a female one and very very hot to react. Little did I know that it showed all the classic pre scan signs of something more serious. I’m ever thankful to her, for a very speedy referral and my shower sponge falling to bits!!
My Mum was back after my GP appointment. So I had to have a conversation that I’d found a hard lump in my breast, the GP was concerned and I’d to go for Mammogram and further tests that week. She came with me to those and fortunately came with me to the result appointment, 'cos I was on the floor when they told me. We left the hospital BOTH in a state of massive shock, called in at the local Co-*p for a bottle of whiskey on the way back. Sat at the kitchen table talking and got p**d. Ended up falling into bed, snuggled up like a mother and small child. She was devastated. She, like any loving, caring parent, feared the most awful thing - that she may lose me before her. It isn’t the normal, natural order of nature is it.
I’d been her rock through Dads terminal cancer and death and then both her two ensueing knee replacement ops. She was my rock in all my BC.
I still have a lovely card she put in my hospital bag for my first op. A beautiful painting by Turner, because she knew how much I loved art and the Impressionists. It said, “Always remember how much I treasure you, my Darling girl”. And I DID survive her, through both of my BC’s, but I lost my most beautiful, bestest ever friend when she passed away 6 years ago.
Sorry, if I’ve got you all in tears, but I’m speaking from my heart.
Capelmum - cherish each other. It matters that much more the older you become and especially at times like this.
Loadsa love and hugs to all
DoolallyDelly xxxx