Thanks for all the suppport. I am pessimistic at the best of times so have gone into overdrive. Also at no time did the doctor suggest that it could be benign so feel I have cause to worry. It’s good to hear from people that have survived and coping. Just hope that I will also get to that stage in due course.
Hi Blueleyla,
Don’t worry it’s very hard not to be pessimistic at this stage. I am normally a very positive person but was was worried sick at the stage you are now, it’s the not knowing that is the worst. Either way, good news or bad, you will know on Wednesday and we all truly hope it will be good news. When I had my biopsy they just described it as very suspicious, but until they have all of the facts they won’t commit themselves either way. How you choose to cope on the day is something that is very personal to you, myself I stuck to the facts and prepared myself for both good news and bad just in case. If it is the latter, you will cope and you will survive, Delly and all of the ladies here are living proof that this is doable and that we are stronger than we think.
Please let us know how it goes on Wednesday. My thoughts are with you.
Fiona x
Thanks to everyone. Yes today is going to be very long, particularly as I haven’t been able to settle or concentrate on anything since last week. Feel sick and hungry at the same time if that is possible. At least once I get the results I will know what I am dealing with and some idea of the treatment I will need and might be able to focus on the future. Will let you know how it goes tomorrow
Just wanted to wish you well Blueleyla with your results. I waited 4 weeks last year over Xmas for biopsy results and it was extremely difficult hosting a family Xmas with it on my mind. My results were OK but I needed a 12 month follow up mammogram which I had in November and I’m now waiting for surgery to remove the whole area of concern for further biopsy.
Its a shame that you weren’t given indication that it could be benign as statistics show that the majority of call backs are subsequently benign, so, as I was told on this group last year, the odds are in your favour.
I hope you get some sleep tonight and really hope you get good news. Will be thinking of you.
Best wishes. Xx
Hi Shar,
So sorry that you too are waiting for your results. I really hope that for you and Blueleyla, it is good news X I have everything crossed for you both.
Fiona x
So sorry your wait goes on. I don’t agree with the comment from the nurse about you becoming more patient … as time moves on you get more anxious until at least you know what is going on. It is positve that what they have found so far is B9 - and importantly they have left markers. I didn’t - so had to have 2 x wires assisted excision biopsy. Which added much more stress to an already difficult situation. I believe it is NHS time scales to operate within 4 weeks of an identified issue. Thinking of you
Hi Blueleyla,
OMG how frustrating is that !
At least the benign result gives you something to focus on for now but I can appreciate that the not knowing is still a worry for you. At least in the meantime Christmas should serve as a great distraction, an excuse to party hard and enjoy too many mince pies and glasses of bubbly. In the meantime if you need to talk you know where we are and know that you can let it all out on here which you may not feel you can do with family and friends.
I have my next chemo on the day if your next appointment so will be thinking if you then. I am sure it will be good news for you and having the lump/suspect area removed is not as bad as you might think. I had my lumpectomy at the beginning.
Take care in the meantime X
That’s very frustrating and I hope you get conclusive results from the ones done today.
I find the waiting the worst part, I’m waiting for surgery and same as you not sure if it will be before or after Xmas. Family arriving on 19th for a few weeks. Not a great time of year to be going through this.
Best wishes for your results next week.
Thank you for those thoughts Delly. I had similar last year over Xmas waiting a month for biopsy results, so, yes perhaps better this year if surgery is after Xmas.
Shar, best wishes for your results today and to all.
Hi Shar,
Just wondering how you got on today, I really hope it was good news, but if not you know we are here for you if you need us. X
Fiona x
Great news Shar ’
Great news Shar. I’m pleased for you. Xx
hi Blueleyla,
Sorry you are joining us, but thankfully treatment can now start to get it dealt with.
do take care
ann x
Been thinking of you. Stay strong and positive. You have some great supporters in this forum.
So sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you.
I hope you get your treatment plan quickly. And I’ll be thinking of you next Wednesday. There are a few of us with appointments on 21st.
My best wishes.
Hi Blueleyla,
I am so sorry it was not good news for you, but please take heart from the fact that we are all in this together and will support you through it. it can all be very daunting waiting to see how they intend to treat you. i will be thinking if you next Wednesday. I will be having my third course of chemo on that day. In the meantime take care of yourself and enjoy your Christmas festivities.
Love from Fiona x
Good ornin Lovelies
Yeh - Blueleyla, waiting “sucks”, and you’ll have heard other people say it’s the worst bit, cos you feel you’re on tenterhooks all the time. Do, watch and listen to anything that helps keep you distracted and as “up” as possible. Daft films / programmes, music that makes you feel like doing some silly bopping round the kitchen table, getting together with your dearest friends for a girlie night. Plus give yourself lots of enjoyable treats. It’s all you “can” do till Wednesday. Have you got plenty of support around you at home??
On the face of it, you’ve already had the worst news, so the next news is all about how it’s going to be dealt with, treated an fought.
Wishing you strength girl, but do allow yourself to weep. Better to let it flow if you get wobbly and upset. It’s only natural to. This is, after all a massive major trauma. Plus keep speaking your thoughts and feelings on here, amongst those who know.
Hi Capel - How’s it going with the chemo. You ok or struggling??
Hi Lady-Helena - catch you on the “Fluffies” thread.
Lotsa love, Dellywelly xxxx
Hi Delly,
I am doing good. Typically first few days of each chemo is ok then the next week is pants and the remainder is fine again. Due to have chemo 3 next week, unfortunately just before Christmas ? So we are bringing it all forward a few days.
From January I switch to Docetaxel which seems to have different side effects. The good news is I have lost 11 lbs so very happy about that ? !!
I have been following you antics on the progesterone thread but struggling to keep up to date as there are so many posts on it. Sorry to here your date was a bit of a ‘train wreck’ but hey ho there are plenty more fish in the see and one of them is bound to see the wonderful Dwlly that we all see xx
Love to you X
Fiona x
Hi Ladies
Good to hear from you Capelmum Fiona. I presume you’re frequenting the chemo threads and hopefully getting lots of support from. Yeh, thanks ref “the date disaster”, but at least it’s kicked me into some action to get help!!
Sooo Blueleyla, we’re waiting on and gunning for you next Wednesday.
Hope you’re all doing as well as can be expected, but better.
Take care everyone.
Lotsa love Dellydoodaah xxxxx
Hi Blueleyla,
Ditto what the other ladies have said ?
Quick is good and with in a few weeks after the op you will be on the mend and fingers crossed just facing the radiotherapy which looks to be pretty easy to deal with compared to the chemo.
In the meantime try to enjoy Christmas and don’t worry about the op. I assume you are having a lumpectomy rather than a mastectomy ? I had the lumpectomy and it was absolutely fine.
Take care X