Results of PET/CT scan (again!)

Not actually posted on here for a fairly long time, but just needing to talk to those who know what it feels like. Am seeing onc at 5.30 tonight for latest results. He asked me to have this test again (last one 7 mths ago) just to make sure all ok, but today I’m just bricking it, you all know the feeling.

I HATE this part of it all, and feel very alone. - I’m not really, have brilliant family and friends all rooting for me, but you know what I mean.

Roll on tomorrow - whatever the outcome.
Thanks for listening.
Anne x

Hi Anne

Whatever the outcome, it’s always better to know what you are facing. All of us on here know how horrid the waiting is and the feeling of putting everything on hold till we know what we are dealing with. That said, hope it’s a good result for you.



Hi Kindensurprise

Thank you so much for replying - and the result was the best possible - scan clear and in remission. Will now relax and have a brilliant weekend, and wish everyone the same.

Anne x

Glad to hear that you got a clear scan result Anne … hope you have a great weekend.

Thanks lilacblushes - you too.