Ohhhhh ! Results today at 3pm of first MRI and Ct scan after finishing months pf chemo rads and hormone therapy.
I have mets to bones so cross all you fingers toes etc for me!
I thought that by now i would have started to feel more like myself but it’s been nearly 3 months since I finished rads and im still wacked most days. I feel like running away instead of going to appointment.
Sending you positive thoughts, and really hoping you get good results this afternoon.
Dotty2 xx
Everything’s crossed for you. Really hope you get great news.
Good news! All well scans came back indicating no further spread. In fact the consultant said the tumour had some shrinkage .
Ahhh this makes taking those godamm awful drugs much easier when you know they’re working
Thank you for your kind wishes mabelline and dotty.x
How brilliant are your results!! Bet you’re glad you didn’t run away now ! I have secondaries too (nearly 3 years on) and feel really confident the docs are keeping an eye on me and dealing with any problems if and when they arise. Such lovely news for you and your family for christmas, congratulations xx
Hi Magda, so pleased for you, have a lovely Christmas love junieliz x
Hi Magda
Just saw your post and am really delighted that you have got this news.
As you say, it makes it a little easier knowing the drugs are indeed working.
Great news! Hopefully we can catch up in January some time .
Meantime have a lovely Christmas and see you soon
Carol xx
Happy Xmas to all and look forward to catching up with you in the new year Carol x c