HiI found a lumpinmy right breast and GP referred me Urgent Query Cancer. The tests showed scattered cysts, however the mamogramme showed calcification clusters, a lump(which I can’t feel and an obstruction on the left brest. I had 3 core biospys taken on the day from the lump and will have to have the calcifications and obstruction biospied. Am nervous and as everyone else says the waiting is the worst.
Has anyone had this experience?
Hi yeah I have a lump and clusters of calsifications right breast. Was told suspicious. did they tell you it might be cancer?
wishing you best of luck with your results xx
Yes told me early indicator, I have to have a biospy with aa mamagromme to guide, I am on my way to get the results of the lump. quite scared !!
I read early indicator as they said my lump was benign tissue at first, so think they are worried about the cluster cells. Thinking of you hun. Wishing you the best news ever xx PM me if you like . Crossing fingers
The lump is a fibroadenoma which is great news, now have to have the 2nd biospy for the cluster calfications which is done with a wire so not looking forward to it.The appointment will be through in a coupleof weeks now !!
Have you had tests?
Wow I’m so pleased for you!!! I had a great feeling About you!
yes my lump was 1.6 cm and they biopsied that and the calcifications at same time. They seemed really concerned once they found those. :-/ but your post gives me hope. x good luck with the next biopsy . Why they didnt do them together though?
Thanks Carolina, I wasnt told the size, but they took 3 core from it !!! They have to boispy the calcifications with a wire inserted during a mamogramme !! They do seem concerned more about clusters than lumps I thought the clusters would be less treatment if cancerous but not the case by the seems of things. When do you get your results? I am feeling really positive, not all clusters are cancer. I will keepmy fingers crossed for you, let meknow how you get onxx
Ok I see. Well my radiographer didnt tell me much at all but presume she did a biopsy on those as its near my armpit. She did just a normal core biopsy on those.
try not to worry I think most of these specs are nothing to worry about.
get all my results on Thursday. Will think of you too. Best of luck x
Hi all had biopsy on Calcifications today with stereotatic core machine, was not as bad as I was expecting.The calcofications have shown inconclusive on mamogramme and magnified mamogramme so this is the next step. It is 5 cm in lengt and liner, has anyone had the same?
Have to wait until a week monday for the results because of the BH