Hi all
Not sure if this goes here or in the recurrence section, so have put it in both, maybe the moderator can delete one if the feel it is necassary
I went for the results from the second WLE and still no clear margins, there are cancer cells in the chest muscle. he has given me 3 options to mull over
- Major surgery to remove chest muscle and probably some ribs, this will involve a cardio-thoracic surgeon, a breast surgon and a plastic surgeon. My problems with this are that I am very high risk, in that I am clinically obese, have had previous DVT, and have a family history of DVT and PE, and also have an active cancer all that make me very high risk. I am seeing the surgeon to discuss further on Friday
2.Further chemo, he is not sure what though but is going to contact Prof Johnston at the Royal Marsden to ask for his advice. - Watch and wait to see what happens, that does not seem like an option to me but am prepared to be open minded.
The status of the tumour was ER + and HER2+2, and he is waiting for fish results, I have never heard of that so maybe someone could explain what fish results are and if that means I will need Herceptin
thanks in advance
Linda xxxx