
Hi all

Just got back from the clinic, GOOD NEWS, I have multiple cysts, one large one and 7 small ones, all clumped together making one hard mass, phew!!!

I want to thank you all for your kinds words of support, it really meant alot and I salute all you brave people who didn’t have news as good as mine.

I wish you all the best and hope that once you get through your bad times you have happy happy lives, you all deserve it.

All my love, I’ll be thinking of you all.

Debbi xx

WELL DONE DEBBI, fantastic news.
Have a large glass of wine, relax and enjoy life.
A xx

Hi Debbi,

I am so pleased for you, time to sit back and relax.

Love Val

Hi Debbie. Thats great news! So pleased for you.

Thank you so much xxxx

So pleased for you Debbi.Mine is ok too,just very dense breast tissue.Doctor going to send me for an MRI scan just to put my mind at rest,but he has no suspicions at all.Says it will just check that nothing untoward is going on in tissue but thinks nothing will show.I’d like to say thanks too for support given on this forum you are all very brave inspirational ladies.

Hi Jacqui (sujac)

I’m SO pleased you’re OK, I was thinking about you today.

Debbi xx

to jacqui(sujac) and debbijayne,

i am SO HAPPY for both of you, i hope you can try and get your lifes back
on track. kiss your children/husbands/family and dance your hearts out.
hope i get good results like you, feel a bit more positive today knowing
you two will be okay.

lots of love

kelly. (kelbug1)

Really happy for both of you - good to hear some good news and that you dont have to join us


party time - TWICE!!! Wonderful news from you both - thank you

really chuffed for you both.
Diane x

Great news for you both!
As my beautiful mum used to say “If life didn’t have any lows then it wouldn’t have any highs either”.

Carly x

Woohoo for cysts! Glad you didn’t have to join the club.

Lola x

Congratulations for stepping out of the minefield.
Best wishes for the future

Fab news for both of you its amazing we all get so excited about having cysts!!!

Take care

I saw your comment in diabetic mastopathy, really pleased all is well with you!