
Hi could just do with a bit of help …just been for my results and been told that 19 out of 24 lymph nodes are positive …going for a scan tomorrow and I’m frankly very worried …has anyone else been through this ? Thanks
N xx

Hello - just want to send you my best wishes.  I “only” had 4 lymph node tumours and another tumour in my axillary fat (even after chemo, grrr) and that is still freaking me out. I guess you got the news from your breast surgeon?  Have you seen the oncologist yet?  In my experience oncologists are miles better at explaining to you what is happening than surgeons are. The oncologists are also the ones that dispense the treatments that keep stage 3 and 4 ladies alive.  Do let me know how your scan goes.  I will be thinking of you. Xxx 

Thank you …yes the consultant in the breast care unit told me …I have an appointment with the oncologist on Thursday so thank you for that advice and for your good wishes . What’s the next step for you .? Xx

Hi again well the scan looks clear thank goodness …something showing on my spine but that looks benign and they think it’s just wear and tear…they’re going to discuss in their weekly meeting whether they want to investigate further but they seemed confident it’s benign . So feeling much better about things . I saw the oncologist on Thursday and he’s lovely …only just read your post so didn’t ask those things but I have a pre chemo appointment on friday so will ask then thank you …chemo starts on 19th. Thanks also for your reassurance about chemo …I’m looking on it as something I need to do to have the best chance of getting rid of this so I suppose I’m seeing it as a positive thing …I’m having radiotherapy after it too and tamoxifen .was thinking about yoga too just need to heal a bit more first I think …do you go to a class or do it at home ? Thank you so much for all your help it’s very much appreciated …hope you’re feeling ok with everything and if i can return the favour and help in any way let me know …xx

Sorry, Nikster, just picked this up, and yes, I have. 7/15 of my lymph nodes showed signs, so it was good I had a full clearance. As you will now know, the scan is to determine if there is anything else floating about. This is so the oncology dept. can get your treatment exactly right. I had a CT scan and also my heart was tested before any chemo. I was grade 3 stage 2 ductal carcinoma so they’ve thrown everything at it. Mind you, it’s still classed as bog standard, and my treatment (EC-T + Rads) is a belt and braces job by! ?Hmmm. Good luck with your treatment. You’ll be in good hands as they only want successful outcomes. X

P.S. I go to Pilates at my local Maggies. They know exactly what cancer patients need. There is also TaiChi.

Hi ms Merton
I’m going to try the cold capping …did you use it?
Glad to hear you didn’t have any sickness …the oncologist discussed the anti sickness meds with me as I did feel sick after the meds I had when I had my op so he’s planning to give me them as I seem to be prone to it … we have a Haven near here which I’m planning to visit so will see what they have on offer…had a look on amazon and there seem to be a few DVDs so that’s great …I’m sure I’ll be hopeless too mind ha !!i really appreciate all your advice and sharing your experiences !! Really good to talk to you …let me know how the tai chi goes !!! NIk. Xx

Hi Anniej
Thank you for your help…might try Pilates too!! Need to get more movement in my arm !
How is your treatment going ?
N xx