Return to work after bc

Return to work after bc

Return to work after bc Hello all,

So finally my medical team have decided that I am ready to return to work on a “phased return” basis.

And you will never guess… in my 16 month absence my employers have moved the office where I worked to the 3rd floor- no lifts (old building) and no loos up there either.
But my employers did finally agree to my “phased return”.- So I must be thankful for something.

Why is nothing ever simple? Just thought that I would be able to return to work without any further problems/challenges. And I was so looking forward to picking up my life again. It seems that the challenges must continue.

Now I am temporarily (I hope) stuck -because I am unable to walk up 3 flights of stairs (one like a ladder); so cannot see just how I will be able to take up that job again.

My thoughts are with you all


return to work Your employers must make your working conditions disabled friendly for anyone now according to the Disability Discrimination Act. If they are not suitable for you to be in or you find it difficult when you go back they must do something to help you by either making your office more accesible or on another floor.

Sherryll XX