Sorry to trouble you all but I was wondering if anyone could give me advice about Bone Mets.
I was diagnosed in June, four years (nearly to the day) after getting the news about the bc, with it having returned to my spine.
I have started on Arimidex and Pamidronate and have just finished a 5 day course of Radiotherapy. My onc has told me the area is very small and it has been caught early etc etc… She also said that I may be looking at ‘many years’ ahead, but obviously not that long in the big scheme of things.
So, I’ve had the official line but would realy like to hear from someone who is actually living with it. I’m lucky as I have no real pain to deal with, but I sometimes think it would almost make it easier as at the moment I’m still finding it hard to believe. I had very bad back pain to begin with which prompted the initial trip to my GP who put me for a bone scan, but before that appointment came the pain went and never really came back. Part of me is still hoping I’ll get a call saying they’ve got it wrong, but somehow I don’t think so.
I feel very cheated and often think why me, what have I done that is so terrible. I’m finding it hard to make long term plans for the future and don’t know what to do for the best. Although I know I don’t want to spend what time I’ve got left waiting to die.
Anyway thanks for listening, and hope to hear from you.
Hi Erin, I’m sorry to hear your news. I’m living with ‘‘it.’’ I was diagnosed with breast cancer and bone mets in 2003. In the early days I also felt why me? I felt very angry and very sad. I’d done nothing terrible and neither have you. One day, about 6 months later I suddenly realised I’d finally got my head round my diagnosis, we all do eventually but it takes time, one step forward, two backwards sometimes.
I’ve had a long spell of stability, years now, with Arimidex. I hope you do too. Pamidronate worked well too. I changed to tablets a while ago but only 'cos my veins were stubborn.
Four years on and I’m still pain free.
I don’t wonder ‘‘how long’’ anymore I just continue to make plans, little goals.
Take Care and please keep in touch, there’s much support here.
Like Belinda I find I don’t wonder ‘how long’ anymore - i continue to enjoy seeing goals met and then moving the goal posts and anticipating the next one. My latest is my daughter’s wedding next year. I was dx 17 years ago with bc and with extensive bone mets 5 years ago and it has remained stable since then. I have been on pamidronate all that time and it works well for me. Initially I had a lot of pain but as the rads, and then the pamidronate started to work I am now relatively pain free. I think as you get your head round this latest set back you will begin to see a future and start planning again. Do keep in touch with us all and soon you will be in our shoes - offering your support to others.
I hope I can be as positive as you in time.
I’m taking one day at a time and am secretly hoping for that miracle. Realistically I am trying to make as many nice memories for my son as I can.