RFA to the liver - has anyone had any experience?


I am new to the forum so a little bit about myself. I am 33 years old and was diagnosed with secondaries in June 2011 to the liver, bones and lungs. I was put onto Taxotere chemo which I finished in October '11 and am now on Zoladex and anastrozole. My latest CT scan showed my lungs NED a small active area on my bones and a couple of active areas in my liver. My Onc has referred me with a possibility of having RFA to the liver mets.

I was wondering if anyone has any experience of having Radio Frequency Ablation. I have been told that there is a risk of causing the immune system to weaken thus causing the disease to spread elsewhere. Has anyone else been told this?

Nicola x

Hi Nicola and welcome to the BCC forums

I am sure your fellow users will be along soon with shared experiences and support, in addition please feel free to call our helpliners for further support ideas, information regarding your query and a listening ear on 0808 800 6000, the lines are open during the week 9-5 and on Saturdays 10-2

This link will take you to the BCC secondaries information section which I hope you will find useful:


Take care


I had RFA about 4 weeks ago under general aneasthetic for three liver mets. They had been made inactive by chemo and Herceptin, but the onc and I wanted them gone. RFA was the answer.

I was terrified of RFA but it was ok. I didn’t experience any pain although I suffered sickness and vomiting, I think from the anaesthetic. I felt very lethargic for a good week afterwards and after about 4 days I suffered physically. I felt very sick for a few days, but I recovered and am very grateful for the RFA which was succesful.

If you search for RFA, or its long title, you will find lots of information about RFA.

I haven’t heard anything about RFA reducing the immune system response. I hope that isn’t the case…

Take care.

Verity. x


Thank you Verity for sharing your experience with me and I am so pleased your RFA treatment has been successful and long may it continue to be. Do you have any other secondaries or is it just in your liver? I think I am definitely going to push for RFA treatment, maybe getting some other opinions where they are more used to treating BC patients.

Take care

Nicola x

Hi Nicola,
I am sorry, I have only just seen your post.
No, I do not have any other secondaries, so far as I am aware…!! I have follow up scans at the beginning of July. I do hope, obviously, that they are clear. I am starting to get nervous already…
Have you managed to get any further with RFA?
Verity x