
This is SO not the place, but I just wanted to tell you my news.

I’ve been a Rhydian fan since I first saw him on XFactor. 6-year old grandson is also a fan.

Grandad bought me his CD for Xmas and it’s played a gazillion times a day.

Didn’t follow him other than on XFactor, but then saw he had a tour this year.

Well, could I get tickets, could I eckaslike!!! Totally SOLD OUT!!

Pulled out all the stops. Called in favours. No luck!

Joined his fansite. Explained my plight. THIS IS MY QUEST!!! A beautiful, beautiful lady (I’ll have all her babies and be her plaything for life!!) replied and is sending me FREE tickets (!!!) to a “free for one night only” show of Rhyd being filmed for S4C (the Welsh TV channel). Absolutely can’t believe my luck!

The only fan club I’ve joined since I was 10 (I’m now 59) and that was Cliff Richard!!

Good luck to us all, and here’s to you, Rhyd :slight_smile:

Maureen xx

That’s brilliant news Maureen - I really like Rhydian too and play his album in my car all the time!!

Hope you have a fantastic time at the show!!

Lesley x

Hi Maureen
Well done you! It should be v good. I’m a fan too - after all, he’s welsh!! (not biased at all!)
Anne xx