I had a lumpectomy and removal of nodes 1 year ago. Since then I had been tender to the touch in that area and had some decreased range of motion. My surgeon (without examining the area) said it was scar tissue and I might always have the tenderness… Not happy with that response I went to an integrative doctor who examined me and explained it was actually my ribs that were hurting. He referred me to an osteopath who told me I had a rib out of place! He adjusted me and after one session and I instantly had increased range of motion, less discomfort, and better breathing. I hope this info helps someone else.
I think sometimes it is worth persisting in getting another opinion. I was only diagnosed early September and had my op on the 13th Sept so am only just over 2 wks post op. Even when I’m not wearing a bra my body feels as if I’m wearing one, I had a lumpectomy and lymph node removal and my breast is still swollen twice the size of the unaffected one and uncomfortable but I presume that’s normal at this stage. If it was still like it a year on I’d want to know why.
You must feel relieved you finally know what was wrong, pleased you got it sorted. X