Rib pain - bone scan

Hi to everyone, especially those who are up at 5.11am like me :slight_smile: Can’t sleep as I went to the GP yesterday after many months of an on/off tender pain - which turned out to be a tender spot on my rib. Also got another tender bit on the other side. Of course now I;ve actually faced it and been to the GP he has suggested a bone scan, which I will have on Thursday.

I was diagnosed first in Dec 05 and had a bone scan in Aug 06 which was for a hip pain - clear then. I am a lobular lady, grade 2, no lymphs, mastectomy then Tamoxifen.

I did have an ultrasound of abdomen in December which was all clear, so at least no findings on my liver at that time.

I’m terrified that this time the bone scan will show up mets. I have never had chemo and know that if it shows up I will have to have it.

Has anyone had rib pain which turned out not to be mets?

Many thanks for your help, warm hugs, Grace

Hi Grace
Really sorry to hear that you have these worries and concerns, it must be a difficult time for you.
I am 2 years behind you having been diagnosed Dec 07 also lobular grade 2, no lymphs, mastectomy then Tamox but not taking it (thats another story)
Wishing you all the best for Thursday, really hope that all goes well - do let us know won’t you?
Magsi x

Hi Grace,

Yes, I have rib pain and had a bone scan last week which was clear.
Did you have a recon or rads? I had a mast/LD recon in Nov 06 and didn’t really have any problems with it until after the rads. I blame them!!
Good luck for Thursday and a speedy good result.

Hi Grace

I am sorry to read that you have further worries and would suggest that you may find it helpful to call our helpliners for more support and a ‘listening ear’, it sometimes helps to talk things through with someone in confidence. The line opens at 9am-5pm Mon-Fri and Sat 9am-2pm on 0808 800 6000.

Best wishes

Hi Grace,
I was dx in Sept 07 I had a WLE, 15 + 3 booster rads and now on Tamoxifen. I get occasional soreness of the rib under my breast, it follows the line of my bra, some evening I cannot wait to remove it. Doesn’t seem to matter if I’ve worn under wired or not. I also suffer from occasional sharp pain in the breast but this I’m told is due to nerve damage during the op. I think the rad treatment although painless to receive has a much longer affect on the body than we realise.
I wish you well with your scan on Thursday.
Caz x

Hi Grace,

I get pains in my ribs which I’m told are due to the rads. I’m sure I’ve seen somewhere that these pains can go on for several years after rads.

Hi to all of you who have replied so far. It’s a big help. Trouble is I didn’t have rads so I’m even more worried :frowning:

I will let you know how I get on - especially if its Good News !


I had a bone scan last month for rib pain and tenderness on my mastectomy site, but it was clear. I had WLE, rads and tamoxifen for a small Grade 1 IDC (no lymphs) nearly 10 years ago, and then a mastectomy 2 and a hald years ago for a small Grade 2 recurrence under the ANC scar. I’m now on Arimidex. I still have some rib pain and tenderness, which is likely to be due either to my age or to the affer-effects of the mastectomy. Try not to worry.

Kathy xx

Hi Grace
Just to say that a dx of bone mets doesn’t necessarily mean chemo. I see you are on tamoxifen so you have a hormone-dependent bc. If tamox is still working, it would control any mets, with drugs to strengthen bones (bisphosphonates). But I don’t know if this applies to lobular bc tho. Anyway, I hope your bone scan is clear so you won’t need to take notice of what I just wrote :slight_smile:

All the best for the bone scan tomorrow Grace, let us know how you get on.

Magsi x

Hi Ladies, had my bone scan today. I was very scared as they did the whole body then separate head, chest and pelvis. But I have had the scan looked at by a Consultant Oncologist who cannot see anything. Of course it still has to be reported on by the Radiologist, who is the expert, but its looking good.

I can’t believe the anxiety I have suffered this week over this. I am now in the middle of a bottle of sparkling with the husband!!!

To everyone who is waiting for scans, I wish you all well and keep positive.


Hi Grace

Really pleased to read that the results of the bone scan are looking good - and that the oncologist couldn’t see anything. Glad you were able to celebrate last night.

Magsi x

hi grace good news re the bone scan,im having similar to you but have had an ultrasound on my liver ,im a lobular lady (left breast) mast chemo and rads all completed in 2007 now i have to go back as due to spots on my liver and rib pain they are not sure whats wrong .i get my results on monday as as you were im really worried .lets hope i get results back that are clear .enjoy your wine .take care lynn x

Hi Lynn

Thank you for your kind thoughts. I had an abdominal ultrasound in December which included the liver and this was found to be clear. I understand from my GP that ultrasounds are very good at seeing things in the liver but it may be that the ‘spots’ are completely normal.

I was glad at first to hear my scan was ‘probably fine’ but still having lots of aches and pains in various places to now have started to reworry until I get the Radiologists report next week!!! It’s never ending isn’t it - ut I love all the support from everyone on this site.

Please post on Monday, am thinking about you. big hugs, Grace

Hi Grace

Really hope the radiologists report confirms the onc.
It can be so worrying waiting for results can’t it. I know I replayed over and over again what the consultant had said analysing what every word meant or might have meant. Its only when I actually got it ‘written down in black and white’ that I could get to grips with things and move forward so to speak. Not fully knowing left me in a kind of limbo state - if that makes sense.
Lets us know when you get your results and all the best to you Aroma as you get yours on Monday.

Mags x

Hi Ladies one and all,

Today I had the official confirmation that my isotope bone scan of last Thursday is NORMAL!! So good news. I did have some aches and pains yesterday but today have been mostly OK. All very baffling. I will keep an eye on it all and am planning to go and see another Onc as a private patient. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while as am fairly disillusioned with Addenbrookes.

Very best wishes to everyone waiting for tests and may all of them be normal too, love Grace

results, or no results !well went on monday ,and have to have a re ctscan next friday,as the spots were definately secondaries from the breast,but i had them in 2006 but they changed sice chemo,but as im having pain in the area of concern,they want to do me regular scans to keep and eye on them for anymore changes.in a way its scary that they are there but i think they would have really shown themselves with a vengance if they were going to .so im again living in limbo land ! a constant state for me at the moment . lol . she thought that id have had more pain ,but im in constant pain anyway with arimadex ,and the pain under my ribs has been there for so long now im getting used to it.mind you i have a good pain threshold,had my kids without pain relief,so dont know , anyway keep you posted as this could be going on for a while lol !!!lynn x

Really thrilled for you Grace - does this mean you get to celebrate twice? - I’m sure I would if I were you- and expect you did last night.

Aroma - sorry that you are left in ‘Limbo land’ - not a nice place to be as you wait for more tests and results. Wishing you well and will look out for your postings.

Magsi x

Magsi, thanks so much for your support. i still have the pain in my rib, elbow, hip, etc. etc. but guess its just he Tamoxifen and total lack of oestrogen causing the old bod to feel really, well, old!!! Onc friend just advised to keep an eye on it all. Can’t believe how down i was last week with worry and now feel lots better but still depressed!! Will I never be satisfied.:frowning: Am dealing with that by extra intake of red wine.

hugs, Grace