Rib pain on good side after mammo. Please help!!!

Hi everyone. 

I had a clear breast MRI in March and then surgeon said to have a mammogram too, which I did 2 weeks ago. 


A few days after the mammogram I noticed a bruised and sensitive feeling in my upper breast that hurt if I laughed or coughed. It eventually went away but I’m left with the odd twinge every now and again. But more worryingly, my rib directly below my boob is quite tender to touch. There isn’t pain all the time. I’m just sometimes aware if I move a certain direction etc. I go away in 2 weeks and terrified to open a can of worms before hand. I keep prodding the bloody thing which i know isn’t helping. I would be less worried if it was on my cancer side due to radio etc but this is my good side. Xxx

Hi SP87


Mmm… what an absolute nuisance for this to happen close to going away.  Have you received the results of your mammogram yet?


Also, how long ago did you finish your active treatment?


I know following my recent mammogram on my breast (I only have one now) - it left it feeling a little bruised and uncomfortable.  


If I were you I’d speak with either your GP or Breast Care Team before you go away, otherwise you’re only going to worry whilst you’re away… x