Ho hum have more symptoms to fret about. About three months ago I had slight rib pain on the side where I had my op where my bra underwire was. Onc said radiothreapy can damage ribs - anyone else told this? Anyway it went but the last couple of weeks it has come back and I am now obssessing it is cancer. I am nearly 2 years post dx with a small lump , neg nodes and the full works of treatment.
Rationally I think if it was something bad it would be constant and not go away fore a while but then the paranoia sets in. V Occasionally it twinges in the other side as well but I wonder how much is psychosomatic>
Anyone else had this? I had a check up 2 weeks ago and onc said I was “fine” - but how does he know from a bit of prodding.
I too was told that the ribs, lungs and heart can be effected by radiotherapy.
I got some intermittent pain but it passed off with time.
You say you wear underwire bras, have you though about wearing non wired bras for a while to see if that makes a difference?
I presume you mentioned this to the onc. I think if he was concerned he/she may have followed this up. When I had a pain in my arm and back shortly after treatment my onc was good enough to take my concerns on board and offered me a bone scan which I took up. Everything was clear.
I think it is understandable we all worry that the cancer will reappear, it did with me. I think it is hard to know where to draw the line in thinking every ache and pain is cancer.
My only advise is go by your gut feeling if in doubt get it checked out, don’t worry about 'wasting the experts time or appearing over cautious, its your body not theirs.
I’ve had aching ribs and the muscles in my shoulder and around my ribs strain really easily now ever since rads. I was also told it’s normal to feel these aches and pains, but they seem to be getting worse. I am 12 months since chemo finished so about 18 since dx. I’ve had an Xray which showed all clear, but I’ve been asked to go for a bone scan now for completeness. Then I started worrying about my liver, as that too can cause pain in this area! I’m going to ask for that to be checked too. I think if I have a overhaul it will give me peace of mind (hopefully).