Hi Ladies
You may well think me unhinged as I am in the middle of Taxol but I have signed up to do the Ribbon Walk on 30th May at Blenheim Palace, all 20 miles. I went out for 14 miles with friends this morning and apart from feeling stiff and achey am still here to tell the tale. I have set up a just giving site for sponsorship if you would like the link I can send it to you in a private message.
I will keep you posted with my progress. Anyone want to join?
Love Kathryn
Send me a PM with the link please- can’t promise much but will do something. You are without a doubt unhinged !! I also cannot believe that you just did 14 miles today, I mean both of those in the nicest way and wish you the best with it. blenhem is lovely and I am sure it will be a great day.
You’re most definitely unhinged! Send me the link…at least charity can benefit from your unhingedness.
Jane x
Help, how do I send a PM?
Hi Kathryn
Click on the user name and then click on the link which says Send a message.
Jane x