well went to oncologist for urgent appointment yesterday ans right boob is giving me trouble now ,thought at first it was my liver as have secs on there so didnt really give it to much thought ,then the last few weeks have not been able to lie on that side and aware of pain when i move ,so as id had lobular in left side knew that it needed looking at ,well ive had x rays and a mammogram ,now waiting till next week when im having a ct scan on both liver and breast , then week after for results ,oncologist was supprised to find id not had a mammogram since diognosed in 2006 but my type of cance only showed up through biopsy. so more waiting ,should be used to it by now but i dont think you ever get over the fear of outcome even if youve been through it before . mu good wishes to anyone else going through the waiting game ! lynn xx
Hi lynn
Im realy sorry to hear you have another concern with your right breast, i dont think we ever get over the fear of outcome that more tests bring. Im playing the waiting game too at the moment and my emotions are all over the place. I had my results of a ct scan last week for a frozen shoulder that didnt respond to physio and the scan has showed up other concerns. An area showing something on my lower spine and hip and also a thyroid nodule. Im now haveing a full body bone scan next weds , and a thyroid ultrasound with probable needle biopsy . Im terrified its bone secondries even though i was only DX july 07 and had clear nodes and no vasculer invasion. My back is stiff all the time so cant help thinking the worst.
The waiting for tests and results is realy awfull so i know how you are feeling. I realy hope everything turns out ok for you with your ct scan, and will be thinking and keeping everything crossed for you .
Lots of Hugs your not alone.
Love Linda x
Hi Lynn just replied to you on other thread.
My thoughts are with you both, urrrrrrr, i could kick and punch something. As Lynn already knows lindiloo I’ve just gone through this waiting game (again) and I feel for you both. I send lots of hugs and fingers are firmly xd.
Lynne xx