Ringing the Bells

Hi - I am dead chuffed. I rang my first quarter peal in about 18 months. This means I rang church bells non-stop for 45mins. For anyone else who participates in this odd activity it was Bob Minor.

When I started I was really scared that I would not have the stamina, my left arm would give in (I have some lymphodema - hospital are happy with this exercise) and I just would not be able to do it. But I did and it was not difficult.

A real confidence boost - especially after being told I can no longer work with wildfowl. All is not lost. I feel like I am getting my body back.


Well done Swanie! I used to ring bells for a few months when I was a student, never got beyond call changes and Plain Hunt, but know what you’re talking about as I heard quarter peals. It’s fantastic to know that you had the stamina and concentration to do it. May there be many more!!


Nice one Jacqui!!

I’m well pleased for you,


well done Jacqui
great when you manage to do something that you love

Thanks ladies - it was nice to be able to tell people who understand what these things mean. Also to give hope to others who are still feeling wiped out after treatment.
Hey Kinden - thought about taking it up again?

Love Jacqui

I hope that this achievement provides some comfort to not being able to work with swans, it’s great to hear!


I’ve rung hand bells a few times since, but I don’t fancy the church ones again as to be honest I’m a bit scared of dropping the rope, breaking a stay and whipping everyone!!!


Hi Swanie,
bet you felt great afterwards. What an achievement - i used to do a bit of bell ringing as a student - never progressed very far but the concentration required is huge. You do get to see some beautiful places too (well from the bell tower)… Glad you are geting some of your old life back

Hi Kinden

Gosh handbells, you don’t live in Hampshire do you? My spouse is handbell mad - he is trying to get a group together. This is one of the things I will not do for him, my brain can only cope with one bell at a time.

Well good luck to all of you. I hope you all make some of your personal milestones too it is a real booster.

ding dong - Jacqui

Hi Swannie,

Well done. I too am a bellringer, but haven’t rung a peal or even a quarter since my pre children days. Now content with Sunday ringing & the occasional practice. I have been worried about ringing for too long, as I have lymphoedema in my hand, and I try to do most of the work with my left hand and only ring the lighter bells, so your achievement has made me feel less worried about it.

HI Swanie

I live a very long way, and across the sea from Hampshire I’m afraid so I wouldn’t be able to join in with your husband, but your thread has re-ignited my interest in hand bells and I will look for a local group to join once my treatment is over - don’t think chemo brain could cope with ringing, and have to come to the UK for radiotherapy later in the year.

Hope you’re still having fun with it all.
