Rip Karon xxx

My darling sister Karon lost her life this morning . She was diagnosed with leptomeningeal mets just 4 weeks ago and deteriorated very quickly. This god dam disease makes me so angry and my sister fought it every step of the way. 42 years is far too young to die. I pray for a cure very soon . Thanks for all the advise and support this forum has given me and my sister. I have spent hours looking for the best way forward and can take some comfort in that we always tried our best xxx

Bump xxx

I’m so sorry for your loss,its another young woman taken far too early,my heart goes out to you and your family at this sad time,RIP Karon,

Dear Flo

Please accept sincere condolences from us here at Breast Cancer Care for the loss of your sister Karon

Take care


I am so sad to read your news, and share your anger at this awful disease.
42 is far too young.
Be kind to yourself

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Flo I am so sorry to read your news. Forty two is far too young, and you have every right to be angry.

You have done all you could to support Karon, and must take time and make space both to grieve and to be kind to yourself.

Rest peacefully Karon, free from pain.

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. This is a dreadful disease, i think people on the outside really dont realise xxxxxxx thinking of you and your family xxxxxx

I am so sorry to hear of your loss my thoughts are with you at this saddest of times , I hate this awful disease


To flo12

Sorry for the loss of your sister , so young
RIP Karon …
With Love
Rosie chin xxx

So sorry to read your sad news,your sister was lucky to have you supporting her.My thoughts are with you and all your family.
RIP Karon,too young to leave us .another shining light taken too soon


I’m so sorry to hear about your loss, my thoughts are with all those who loved her R.I.P Karon x

Sorry to hear about your loss x

RIP Karon, there is another star in the sky x

So sorry hun
No age

So sorry for your loss. You were a lovelt supportive sister and I’m sure that will have helped Karon.Try to take some peace from the fact that her fight is over.I hope that love and happy memories will help you get through your grief, my thoughts are with you and your family. RIP Karon.

Another one gone far too early.RIP Karon.