RIP my cousin Debbie

I know this doesnt refer to breast cancer but:
My cousin died on Tuesday she was in her mid forties she started with cervical cancer and it progressed, she has left a husband and twins of just 1 year old. So although its different to what we are going through please please ladies have your smears
RIP Debbie your pain free now

So sorry to hear about yet another tragic loss of life.My heart goes out to you and family, friends and all who knew her and out of personal experience can 110% endorse what you have said about having regular smears x

So sorry to hear your news. Thinking of you and your family x

Such a sad loss of another wonderful woman. My condolences to all who loved her.

Hey hun,
Just wanted to send you my condolances, so young. Doesnt matter that it wasnt BC, it still hurts the family. I went for my smear early, as soon as i was dx’ed with BC i asked for a smear also, a year before it was due.

I hope her twins continue to give you comfort in the years to come, her legacy will live on in them.

God Bless

Sorry to hear your news.
Sending you & your family my condolences.
Ps - my smear is tomorrow lunch time

I am so sorry to hear of your loss and you and your family will be in my prayers.
Pixie xx