Hi, I’m six months on from finishing chemo EC and Paclitaxol, followed by surgery and radiotherapy, but continuing with Phesgo every three weeks for HER2 + ve cancer. Ive had high blood pressure controlled with Ramipril 5mg for about 20 years. Now i find my BP has risen significantly and my GP has upped the dose to 10 mgs and this is only just about keeping it in acceptable level, i have a review in a couple of weeks. Has anyone else had this rise following treatment? I know it has been a stressful year, but i think i coped ok. things have settled down and im getting back to normal with healthy eating and regular walking since about October time. Ive mostly given up alcohol apart from Christmas and now the occasional glass of wine, what more can i do. I’m cross with my body for letting me down again!
Hi @pennyp
I remember being told that Herceptin/Phesgo can raise your blood pressure. I see your GP has increased your medication but if it was me I would call and speak to your oncology team to let them know.
Yes, mine rose significantly. I had been on BP medication for 20 years, which my doctor thought was genetic. I was a fit 41 year old who ate & drank sensibly when I was diagnosed with high BP. It rose by about a third following my BC treatment. My breast cancer was HER2 and ER positive. I had Herceptin & Paclitaxel chemotherapy.
Thankyou @naughty_boob great to hear from you, yes i already have an oncology appointment next week so will mention it.
@krtea you seem to be in a similar situation as me. Its so annoying when you do all the right things and still get problems. Oh well i guess we keep taking the medication and just try to be as healthy as possible and we can be reassured that its not our fault we are in this situation. I have another 4 months of Phesgo to go.
For a few years my blood pressure has been slightly high whenever it was checked at the surgery. A few years ago I wore one of the 24 hour monitors, which showed my pressure is generally fine.
After my diagnosis in May 2023 my blood pressure was again high at every check up. The chemo nurses always commented on it, but only one suggested that I might need to do something about it. I was having Abraxane and Herceptin. The nurses giving me the Herceptin injections also commented on my blood pressure.
A I hoped that things would get better when I finished treatment but a visit to the GP about another matter resulted in monitoring my blood pressure at home and a decision to treat it with medication. I am now on 10mg Amlodipine.
I spoke to the GP before starting medication to see if I could avoid it. She did suggest thinking about my diet and I have started a weekly Zumba class, but essentially I could tell she thought I was a bit delusional about the chances of “getting better” and not needing the meds some time in the future.
I finished Herceptin September 2024 nd my blood pressure has been back to normal for some time. I do walk every day, at least 10,000 steps if I can. I think this really helps. My diet is relatively good, I try to get 30 different fruits and vegetables (including herbs and spices) in my diet each week aswell as gut friendly bacteria.
Thankyou @naughty_boob that does give me some hope that it might go back to my normal when i have finished treatment. In all the years i have had hypertension nothing i have tried to do has changed it, including training and completing two full Moonwalks and several half moons.