Hi this is very new to me but im hoping someone can help or offer some guidance please…
I had a risk reducing double mastectomy (due to family history) on the 8th june this year,with reconstruction. ive had quite a few complications, 2 weeks after my operation when they removed the butterfly strips across the incision, my wound had not closed (they had used skin glue) it was green and weeping so i was put on antibiotics, the following week, just before my check up my right breast went a deep red i informed the breast care nurse, who then got my surgeon to have a look, she admitted me to hospital straight away for intrevenous anti biotics, i stayed in for two nights. The next check up i had my surgeon took me down to theatre to have the right side cleaned and re stiched and i was sent home. My next appointment with the nurse was not good, she didnt look happy with it at all so again the surgeon had a look and explained that the blood/lack of circulation wasnt getting round and my skin was basicaly dying as it was turning black!!! She decided the implant had to come out of the right side, the dying skin cut and she would put in an expander implant but leav it flat for everything to heal properly first, i had this operation (14th july) stayed in a night and went home. In between all this ive had allergic reactions to all sorts of dressings. Ive been admitted again at the weekend but they think it was a reaction to dressings rather than infection.
my left side is healing ok with the implant still in although its still quite sensitive at the top, im guessing thats where the muscle is now? should it still be feeling like this 7 weeks post surgery on that side? my right side is now flat, stiches have been removed yesterday and dressings are on, the whole area is very sensitive. In both sides im getting a strange sensation like being pricked with a needle inside, is this the nerves? im still not driving and feel quite tight chested and it pulls if i reach something, my last surgery was on the 14th july (on the right side) i thought id pretty much be back to normal now with feelings and movements, will i ever be? I cannot get comfortable sleeping as i have to stay on my back. ive been very emotional lately feeling bad for being in and out of hospital and not being around for my children ( 6 & 3 years) feeling bad that everyone is helping me and it could be putting a strain on them, losing my breast has not been easy,(im 29 years old) i no its not forever but i feel i cant dress nice and that my partner wont find me attaractive, its brought up alot of bad memories from my mum going through breast cancer and passing away. Its all to late now but i dont no if i have made the right decsion.
SO SORRY for rambling on and my heart really goes out to those that are going through breast cancer as this must be nothing compared.