I have been recently told I’ve tested positive for a BRCA2 mutation. While it’s not the greatest news I’ve ever had, I am trying to be grateful for the opportunity to mitigate my future cancer risk and I am pretty certain I’m going to opt for prophylactic mastectomy.
I think I might be leaning towards a single step procedure with implants, and I’m hoping I can have a skin & nipple sparing mastectomy. Anyone on here who’s had this option? How has it been? Did you get lipofill as well, or is that only for the flap type reconstructions? Are your implants cold?
I keep reading about people finding them really chilly and I’m wondering if I’m suddenly going to be wearing a lot of gillets…)
I am sorry you are having to face all these decisions and I am sure if any users have experience of this they will be along to offer their support.
In the meantime you can always call ourhelplineon 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk through these decisions and offer a friendly ear. The opening hours are below.
Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm
Late opening Wednesday 9am-7pm
Saturday, 9am-1pm
I know it can be quite overwhelming when thinking about your options for prophylactic surgery following a positive BRCA test. You may find it useful to speak with some of our volunteers who have been in a similar situation on the Someone Like Me service. We can put you in touch with women who have had a genetic diagnosis themselves and made decisions around surgery and reconstruction and can discuss things such as lipofill and implants with you. If you would like to use the Someone Like Me service please do get in touch by email on: someonelikeme@breastcancercare.org.uk or by calling the service directly on 0114 263 6490.
Hi double creature,
I’ve just had the surgery you mention (skin & nipple sparing & direct to implant). I didn’t get lipofill. It’s very early days (not even a week in!), so I certainly can’t comment on the chilliness factor (though I spoke to someone else who’d had the same op, as I’d freaked myself out reading lots of stuff online), and she said she’d had no problems with it. So far, so good with the op. My boobs are covered in dressings but behind it they look pretty good in terms of shape & size and the doctors have told me they think I’ll be happy with the results. Tho I know it takes weeks, even months for everything to settle & to really see the final result.
I’m brca 1, plus had bc 14 years ago, long before I knew about the mutation. While I had lots of doubts about having surgery beforehand (vs carrying on with high level screening), at this moment I feel peaceful about the decision, and very grateful to be alive, and hopefully never get bc again.