rogue cells??

hello folks!

I’m so confused at the moment. I’m a 51 year old lady…I started with a bleeding nipple in late January. I was seen by the clinic within a week to be diagnosed with Ductasia. I then saw consultant again last Friday. He told me as well as the ducts being blocked they also found rogues cells after path results from nipple blood. I am having surgery in 3 weeks to remove the ducts. Also to examine and biopsy rogue cells…Can some one please explain rogue cells.Are they cancer? He did say wait and see… Sorry I seem so ignorant. This is all happeneing so very fast.

Hi Lottyh, I don’t know what they mean by rogue cell either…perhaps cells that are behaving strangely or not where they are meant to be? It is sometimes used to describe cancer cells but duct ectasia isn’t cancer. Once they have done the operation and sent some more tissue to the path labs, they will be able to give you a proper diagnosis. You could phone for more clarification or if you have an appointment to see the surgeon, you can ask them what they mean by rogue cells.


Do let us know how you get on.


Amanda x