Hope everybody is doing well I’ve not been on here for quite a while. All my treatment has gone ok and I’m on countdown to finishing Herceptin I have 3 left my last one is 9th November. I’ve been on ROSCO Trial
I have my first mammogram on Thursday 30th August and I’m slightly nervous. I also still have a sore boob after radiotherapy that ended in March. I have milld lymphedema near my lymph node scar.
Still eating well on my plant based diet however I swapped from Letrozole due to horrendous painful side effects. I’m on tamoxifen now and it’s better but new side effects hot flushes & I’ve put 6lb weight on which is annoying as I swim & go gym.
I’ve move house to be nearer my family which makes me happy and good things are on the family horizon.
My bone meds caused a lot of pain so I’m starting a 6 monthly infusion when I see my oncologist in November after my last herceptin. At this point my oncologist will sign me off it will have taken 14months to get to that point. I’ll have port chemo port removed in December early xnas present.
My hair has grown back still very short but I look like Shirley Temple it was wavy before but it’s more tight curls now. I get lots of old ladies asking where I had my perm done ?
I take my own supplements one being selenium and high dose vutamin c a long with my daily organic veggies.
I very rarely eat processed food if at all as I make a my food prep. Found some great cookbooks and I find cooking therapeutic. Good cookbook called BOSH.
I’ve just had some reflexology which helped so I’m booked for some more after my hols. My feet very swollen and sore. Swimming helps pain in my lower body. I go to my works gym every lunchtime. I bought a silk pillowcase as my hair was going frizzy and I can highly recommend it for easing frizzy hair it really does work.
I never want to get this again so I’ll do whatever it takes to keep me healthy. I still get my bad days where tears flows and still doing 3 weekly Herceptin is hard seeing new people come in to start treatment.
We are part of a club nobody really wants to be a member of…
Be nice to hear how your all doing. I’ll let you know how my mammogram goes and I’ve decided to go on my own… I need to do this on my own.
Love & hugs
Pauline x