Can i ask if anyone has or has had. Tight rubbery skin long after Radiotherapy.
When it started i had it checked and scanned and was told its skin thickening. But it has become more spread out now and in restricting my movements when reaching.
Can it be fixed ?
Or is it something i have to live with.
Thank you, GranC
Hi @granC, I have thickening of the skin in the radiated area, especially the underarm area. My physiotherapist told me that radiation can cause the skin to thicken. My last radiation treatment was March 8, 2023. I still don’t have full range of motion with my operated arm. In fact, I feel numbness all the time and was told by my surgeon that the numbness is permanent. Sigh. How long ago did you have your radiation treatment?
I was to have 15, but they changed it to 5.
The rubbery skin and tightness occured after 1st year. I had radiotherapy in feb 22