Rubbish immune system

Hi all, just wondering if anyone has any idea how long it takes your immune system to recover after chemo?
I finished chemo at the end of feb and it was followed by 3 weeks of radio.
I returned to work just before my last chemo, much to my oncs horror as I work in a hospital, and was fine for 9 months.
Since November I have had a really bad cold, cystitis, kidney infection and now have another cold, bad throat and a rotten cough.
I have had my flu jab recently as a precaution.
Having surgery in Jan so just hoping it’s just a rotten coincidence that I have been so unlucky.
Thanks. Love and hugs. Debbie. xx


you could ask your Gp to run off a full set of bloods to see what your white count is like now… when i went for my hysterectomy in sept my white cells were still crap and that was 10 months after chemo and 7 months after rads… so it can linger on…

although im not too sure how good my bloods were prior to cancer… i too had the flu jab although my practice dont generally give it the year after treatment but as i work in the nhs too i could have got it through work anyway.

hope you get over all your ailments soon and are fit and well for your next batch of surgery.


Thanks Lulu. xx

Hi Purdey

I finished chemo Nov 08 and herceptin in August 09 had no problems till Sept 09 then had shingles which since then has not really got better, still on meds for the pain, and cystitis which has recurred at a low level several times - also mouth ulcers. I think it’s very strange that while I was actually being treated I had no problems despite v. low white count, but since have had all these other things! No flu though, touch wood!


When I finished chemo I was advised that your immune system is expected to start returning to normal after about 6 weeks. I’m 4 years down the line from diagnosis and would honestly it’s only in the past 12 months I’ve truly felt a hundred per cent well. My energy levels and fitness have been much better, as has my cognitive function. Still forget things though, but I think it may now be down to being post menopausal.