Running on Chemo

Hi, I am/was a runner. Never fast, but have done long distance running, and find it a great de stressor, so would like to try and do some running through chemo, but don’t know if this is realistic? I have been doing 3 mile runs since I have recovered from my Mastectomy, and have my first chemo tomorrow, followed by a year of Herceptin. I would love to hear of anyone else’s experience of running during chemo or Herceptin, and any hints or tips. Thanks.

Hi Hevg123


Just spotted your post.  I am three years down the track from starting chemo now, but well recall the advice from my BCN to try to get some exercise every day.  I am a walker, not a runner, but did walk every day of my chemo - even if on some days it was just ten minutes to the end of the road and back.  There is evidence that exercise reduces fatigue, so it’s definitely worth trying to get out running if you can.  I found the effect of chemo was cumulative, and by the end it was hard work to get out sometimes, but worthwhile.


There used to be someone on here who was a very keen runner and ran all through her treatment, but I think she stopped posting after she reached five years cancer free.


All best wishes for your chemo - may your side effects be minimal.


I finished my chemo in August 2012 and during it I was deternined to keep fit.  However, for the first week after each chemo I felt extremely tired -almost like being run over by a steam roller so no chance then.  In the 2nd week I used to do walking-about 5 miles a time and then in the 3rd week when I felt well I would do a couple of 3 mile runs slowly!.

Good luck with yours and keep positive. 


I am doing a half marathon for cancer research  in October in Oxford so that is my challenge and while I can now run ok , my stamina is not yet back to what it was before chemo.  It takes a good year or more to really get over things so do not be too hard on yourself.


Best wishes

Amba rose.