running on treatment


I’m 49, had a mx dec 15 for grade 3 ( HER2 oestrogen +)

Had started running a year or so before all this,to keep up with husband and 3 sons (10,13,15)!

I asked everyone involved in my care about trying to carry on running through treatment. Surgeon not keen as she felt it would keep me too lean and mean for reconstruction, oncologist not really interested and nurses not sure!

Internet research indicates it can be beneficial to mind and body providing you don’t overdo it

So I started gentle runs (around 3-5 miles) 4 weeks after surgery, which I carried on through chemo (apart from first 3 or 4 days after each treatment 

Can’t say chemo was a breeze but stayed pretty well through it. Now on herceptin, have had 5/18.

My running is sadly slower but I am still managing park runs etc and have entered the Cardiff half marathon in October which I’m hoping to do for BCC. It has so helped keep me sane

So I wondered if anyone has any tips etc or just wants to blog a run!


Fab go girl
Wish I could run ! ?

Hi Runningfree,


So glad to see your post!  I’m way past all of that - dx 2007 - but I ran all the way through treatment.  At the time the information out there was very negative about exercise (even a BCC information DVD had a runner hanging up their trainers for the duration- shameful!)  However, I am sure it helped to keep me sane, and no matter how tired I was I always felt better for a run, even if it was stupidly slow and short.


During herceptin I found I got increasingly tired.  This was so disappointing, as I was building up my fitness after chemo only to see it go downhill again.  No-one had told me of this side effect but when I googled it I found that it’s not unusual.  It’s the cumulative effect of herceptin that eventually gets to you.  So don’t be surprised if 6-8 months into herceptin you start to struggle.  You will get better again afterwards.

Hi Runningfree,


I’m 48 and started running at the end of 2014 and stopped for 5 weeks following my WLE & SNB Dec 2015. 
I also cyle and swim and although Oncologist said definitiely NO swimming he was happy for me to carry on with the running and cycling if I was managing it (obvious caveats - don’t overdo it, don’t do it if you don’t feel well etc etc.)    I haven’t done more than about 5k throughout my treatment be in weeks 2&3 I was running/cycling a couple of times each week.  I think it helped me through though, like you chemo wasn’t a breeze but it was certainly a lot easier than others I have heard from)

When I started on the Herceptin (I’ve had 4 so far)  Oncologist told me not to push myself too hard so I’m now running 35 min parkruns instead of sub 30.  Got my Echo-Cardiogram tomorrow before my 5th and Oncologist will let me know then if he’s happy for me to start training for the Birmingham half marathon in October. 

No tips but happy to chat running, cycling or swimming ('cause I can do that again now yippee).

Sarah x

Hi girls, great to hear from you!

RoadRunner, yes suspect that herceptin does build up. I’m working on just squeezing that half marathon in if I can in October.

Ran 10 miles the other day, managed it but was trying to explain to my husband there are no hidden levels of strength that you can pull out of the bag! Going to vary my runs,generally going to aim for 3-6 miles, having a rest day at least every 3 days.

yesterday I ran with my husband again, unfortunately he is slightly quicker than me even when I am fit! So he can sound like he’s nagging / pushing me when he’s probably just trying to be encouraging.

we did a 4.5 m trail run, couldn’t run the steep bits so just walked behind him muttering and thinking evil thoughts!! 

My last herceptin is early April so I guess I’m one dose ahead of you Sarah? So you’re still going pretty well

Well we’ll have to see how we manage! I wish I could sleep better, can’t shift the night sweats.

love to hear about your runs. I’m going to post mine when I remember! 

And Lurtj, it’s never too late!

Cath xx

ps anyone seen the running vest that says ’ chemo gives you the best Brazilian …ever’!!

Amazing effort from you all to keep up the running. I really miss running while going through treatment so I’ve been doing brisk walks … one hour in morning and one hour in afternoon around the fields where I live. I’m still too nervous to run but you have shown me what is possible if I put my mind to it. Keep going, you are all doing amazing!!xx

Hi r u still on the tamoxifen ?
If not have been prescribed an alternative ??



My name is Catherine, I work here at Breast Cancer Care.


That’s amazing that you are running the Cardiff Half in October!


I just wanted to send you a message to let you know we have a room at Cardiff City Hall where all the Breast Cancer Care runners (plus family) can meet before the race. And then you are welcome to come along after for a much needed massage!


We also will have three ‘cheering squads’ around the route to keep you motivated. We will cheer very loudly so you can’t miss us!


Would you like to run in our lovely pink and orange running vests? If so email me at and I will happily send one over.


If you would like any more info, just let me know.


Good luck with the running!


Best wishes,


Hi I am 5 weeks post surgery and used to run with my son before diagnosis and just about to start radiotherapy, I have been wondering when I can get back out running again and how it will affect my breast recovery, do you think it’s too soon? Can’t really find any info on running after surgery ,

Thanks for info, will give it a go before my radiotherapy begins next week, ? X

Hi RunningFree. I had my left breast full mascectomy yest, 4 weeks after node clearance and unsuccessful lumpectomy. When you first ran after mx, what kind of bra did you wear? Did you wait for prothesis?x


Great to hear and be inspired by your running ladies.


I had a lumpectomy and SNB just before Christmas (literally! it was on 23rd December). My bc was picked up as part of a trial to invite younger and older ladies for mammograms. I’m 47, generally very fit and well and had no symptoms at all, so consider myself to be very lucky indeed!


So far, so good with my recovery, I went back to my yoga class this week, and are returning to work tomorrow.


I’m a keen runner having completed my first half marathon last May, so I’m keen to return. I’m due to start radiotherapy in a couple of weeks and have started taking Tamoxifen. I’m hoping this won’t impact too much, I think I’ll take myself out for a run around the block this weekend and build gradually. I’m lucky to be part of an amazing running club so am itching to return!


Thank you for listening. Onwards and upwards.xx




Hi RoadRunner & RunningFree,


So nice to hear from you both, how amazing are you! Running a half marathon just before your mx, and both of you running throughout your chemotherapy treatment. Celebrating your 10th anniversary with BCC is fantastic RoadRunner!


I did it! In a week of firsts & 4wks after my operation I’ve been back to my yoga class, returned to work and today done a very steady 2 mile run :slight_smile: Felt fine just conscious of my surgery, may double up on the bra front next time. Even managed a hill, though to be fair I could have probably walked it quicker, but as all runners know, that’s not the point is it!?


Looking forward to hearing about the progress of everyone here.


Happy running!

Reading your posts inspired me to get my trainers out this morning!! I hadn’t run since treatment began in June! I have Mon and Tues left of radiotherapy and no tiredness at all or feeling sore … Im aware this may change … but for now …my little jog this morning felt great! So glad I kept up my walking throughout treatment as helped maintain my fitness! Want to plan an autumn half now … I know emotionally I’ve many hurdles to cross yet but this really helps by giving me a focus! Thank you for inspiring me to get back out there xx

Well done Emma that’s great! and good to hear that you are so close to the end of your treatment. Good to hear that you and LadyB have managed your radiotherapy with minimal discomfort.


I had my planning appointment on Thursday as planned, so are tattooed up and ready to go!


I was planning to run again this weekend, but family circumstances have made it tricky. Roll on those light nights when we have more options to run. Lovely hearing you’ve been running past daffodils Cath. You’re clearly much further south than I am! Xx

Running still tricky here due to difficult family circumstances (nightmare teenage son, argh!! his timing is lousy!!). But on the plus side I did go for a 5mile walk with lovely hubby yesterday.


This weekend I WILL RUN! How is everyone else doing? Xx

Hi everyone I just wanted to say that this thread has made me cry!  I’ve been running for 6/7 years and love it.  Having Mx on Friday followed by chemo & radio and was thinking I’d have to give up something that’s guaranteed to make me feel good.  Your posts have convinced me otherwise!  Thank you all so much.  I had SNB a few weeks ago and went for a run on Sunday for the first time in ages.  Did 13k and felt awesome - I hope to do another one tomorrow as a last blast!

All the best for Friday ArgyMargy, we’ll all come back stronger & even more marvellous than before! Xx

Emma, I believe you’ve finished your treatment now? You may not see this if you’re out celebrating! Xx

Thank you very much RunningMum13 and RunningFree.  I went for a last blast 13k yesterday and it felt fantastic!  I think I’m partly trying to convince myself that if I can run that far and it feels so good, the cancer cannot possibly have spread. :smileylol:


Best of luck and all good wishes to all of you. xx