Ruptured tissue expander during delayed reconstruction


i had a mastectomy in 2015: at the time I was told I had no other options.
3 1/2 years ago I learnt I could hopefully have delayed reconstruction; tissue expansion followed by a silicone implant.

I had the tissue expander put in in October 2019 with the aim to swap it appropriately 3-6 months later for a permanent implant. Then we had covid…

So my expander is still in, I have been told numerous times that hopefully my surgery would happen soon. 
A fortnight ago the expander burst. I had no trauma: I am assuming it is because it has been in so long. I contacted the hospital to be told my surgeon was on holiday so I had to wait till yesterday to see her. She then told me she wouldn’t be able to look at operating until September or even October at the earliest  She tells me that the skin will not shrink again despite my fears and the  few bits of info I have read that suggest otherwise.

I understand that I don’t have cancer anymore but I feel very traumatised. Has anyone else had similar problems? This is obviously just a brief outline!!! 

How frustrating for you .Covid and all the backlogs have certainly made it a lot tougher to get good care. You could also ask for advice in the Ask the nurses section and opinions in the surgery section of the forum .