Rx planning

Just to reassure everyone, that the planning thing is no bother at all. I went yesterday to the beatson and was on the ct scanner table for about 10 mins max.
The girls explained as they went, I had no injections - like an ordinary ct scan, and no ink problems of any sort. They did leave a bit of sticky tape on me but they had a laugh and pulled it off. Then I waited for five minutes while my oncologist turned up and I signed the consent form and then I was away free and dont have to go back till 20th Dec for treatment. I am not in the least worried about it - and this is from a real scaredy cat claustrophobic.
Just shut your eyes while in the scanner for those couple of minutes and think of hot sandy beaches and your shopping list!
The worst bit was getting my photograph taken for ID purposes and confirming my date of birth in a public corridor!! so no worries, biddy

Hello Biddy
I had my planning meeting today and had been dreading it but it was okay. Even the tattoo which I had been dreading as I am too scared to get my ears pierced did not hurt. The worse bit for me was when she asked me to sign a form promising not to try and get pregnant during treatment. At 50+ I dont think so!!!
I start treatment on the 20th so am hoping now that it will get me out of peeling the sprouts!!
Good luck for the 21st. How many sessions are you having
Best wishes

Hi Hilary - I am due for 20 shots altogether. - I just got on to a wrong site there and noticed research saying aerobic exercise is good to combat anaemia for rx patients - i wasnt expecting that.
Maybe peeling the sprouts will count.
I had chemo last year at this time and I think they are determined i do my shopping in M&S for xmas, maybe its a conspiracy!
good luck, we will be fine!, biddy

Hi biddy
Panicking now if I have to do aerobic exercise. I think opening a packet of biscuits is a major workout!!! I think doing you shopping in Mand S is a special treat, make sure you buy lots of their goodies. I am tempted by the ready peeled sprouts!
When do you start your treatment? I have 26 sessions which I am sure will go quickly. I am having my rads at Portsmouth where are you
Good luck and dont even think of aerobics!!

Hi Hilary - i am near an other naval base area in Rhu, near Helensburgh. not connected to navy tho.
The hospital for my rads is an hour away but i know of folk who are worse off so shant complain.
Guess what - i got my ears pierced about 4 years ago (at age 54) and it wasnt sore and for someone who doesnt even like wearing a wedding ring - i am now obsessed with earrings and even bid for art deco ones on e bay!
After what we have been through so far, ear piercing will also be a doddle - treat yourself!
and forget i mentioned the words aerobic exercise, biddy

Hi Biddy

Just the same had my planning last Friday, and as you said to reassure everything went well. I start my Rads 2nd Jan and have 30 sessions. I hope it will be easier than chemo, but the hospital is about an hour away.
Good luck


Hi Kim
you do wonder how they decide on how many you need, dont you?
the bind is going to be getting there and how tired we are going to be when its near the end of the sessions.
never mind, its gotta be done.
you can start your rads in a happy hogmanay haze! good luck with yours too, biddy

Hi Biddy and Kim
Still do not think I am brave enough to have my ears pierced! I have to travel for about 45 minutes but when you read some of the messages some people travel well over 100 miles so should not moan. Not sure that I will be too cheerful for the 0820 appointments though!! Normally takes me until at least 11 oclock before I can do more than grunt.
Hopefully Kim you will be too hungover to notice your first session. I dont know how they decide how many sesions you are having or if they know that you have had enough.
Hope it is not too cold in Scotland Biddy. My hubby is off to North Wales on Friday and is packing for an arctic expedition because living down here we are southern softies!!
Good luck to you both

its certainly v chilly here but its a good week i think to go to wales, the weather might be amazing.
my oh went climbing yesterday and it was a fantastic day for it but snow and ice from 2000 ft. not thick tho.
you can put your feet up while he is away, enjoy, biddy